Einar Loftesnes


Victoria Must Go
Executive Producer
A satirical look at class divisions, in which the wealthy family feels privileged enough to persuade a law-abiding immigrant to do the job of assassin.
The Riot
In 1907, the miners in Sulitjelma in Fauske in Nordland made a famous rebellion against greedy mine owners.
Mona moves into a big apartment in an old building with her boyfriend Robby, who has just landed his dream job, and soon falls pregnant with their first child. She is plagued by bad dreams, and when the new-born baby next door dies, her crippling nightmares intensify - night after night, the same demon attacks her in her sleep. Mona begins to believe that the creature is very real and that it is seeking to enter our world through her unborn child. Soon she will realize that not all nightmares are over when you wake up.
Wild Men
In a desperate attempt to cure his midlife crisis, Martin has fled his family to live high up in the Norwegian mountains. Hunting and gathering like his ancestors did thousands of years ago.
Courtesy of the Rumohr Estate
A portrait of Norwegian modernist abstract painter Knut Rumohr. A man of few words, the film attempts to link his impression of nature to the surroundings he grew up in.
O Túnel
Um brutal acidente prende um grupo de pessoas em um túnel provocando um grande incêndio na noite de Natal. Com uma nevasca do lado de fora e poucas chances de resgate, cada um passa a lutar pela sua sobrevivência.
Catching the Flame
This docudrama takes us on a journey through Nikolai Astrup's life and the inspiration behind some of his most famous paintings until his early death in 1928.
A Clínica do Horror
Uma equipe de fiscalização de resíduos perigosos é enviada para um sanatório imenso e abandonado nas montanhas. Mas o trabalho de rotina dos cinco especialistas toma um rumo sombrio quando eles descobrem o passado aterrorizante do prédio.
The Northwoods
Two sisters get lost in the Norwegian wilderness while being chased by a hunter. It turns out he's far from the only one hunting them.