After a series of unfortunate incidents in a small-town restaurant set off an intricate chain reaction of crime, mayhem, and bloodshed, a one young waitress is left to clean up the mess.
A college freshman becomes obsessed with the previous owner of his school issued laptop, a webcam model whose last session may have ended in murder.
Dr. Abe Mandelbaum has just moved into a retirement home. After forming an unlikely friendship with a womanizing gambler, their relationship is tested when they each try to convince a mysterious nurse that they are her long-lost father.
A man watches his life unravel after he is left by his blind girlfriend.
Depois que uma líder de torcida é agredida sexualmente pelo time de futebol do colégio, ela deve superar sua vergonha e usar as evidências reunidas na tempestade de mídia social subsequente para juntar as peças da noite que ela não consegue se lembrar em sua luta por justiça. Baseado na história verídica do caso de estupro em Steubenville, Ohio.