Margherita Cornali

Margherita Cornali


Margherita Cornali


Italiano medio
Presidente Commissione
A committed environmentalist whose hyperfixation with everything that's wrong with the world is taking a toll on his marriage tries a pill that reduces human mental skills from 20% to 2%.
Ti sposo ma non troppo
Wedding planner
Ti ricordi di me?
Sharing the same psychologist, kleptomaniac Roberto, who writes stories a bit too realistic and scary for kids, and a narcoleptic Beatrice, who documents everything in her life, begin to think that love could be the cure for their problems. But nothing comes easy to either of them, and, just like in one of Roberto's stories, the happy ending really needs to be sought after. Will they find their own?
Tutta colpa di Freud
Cliente Libreria
O protagonista é um psicanalista (Marco Giallini), pai de três filhas em crise: uma lésbica frustrada tentando se tornar heterossexual (Anna Foglietta), uma jovem de dezoito anos de idade com um homem maduro (Laura Adriani), uma bibliotecária atraído por um ladrão de livros (Vittoria Puccini). Todos os três acabam no escritório do pai para falar sobre seus problemas
A Grande Beleza
Donna Adoro
Vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro, este conto à la Fellini de decadência e amor perdido encontra um jornalista envelhecido na Itália relembrando seus dias em meio à exuberante vida noturna de Roma após seu 65º aniversário.
Una famiglia perfetta
Leone is a rich and powerful man whose loneliness drives him to hire a cast of actors to play the family he never had. On Christmas Eve, reality and make-believe start to get blurred.
Wedding in Paris
A businessman in Italy, who doesn't pay any taxes, and a financier always on the hunt for tax evaders come into contact because their sons share an apartment in Paris.
Life Is a Wonderful Thing
A policeman who spies on the lives of others, an important banker married to a housewife who poses as a noblewoman. A precarious young masseuse and an electrician madly in love. Very different lives that end up intertwining. But also extremely complicated and troubled lives ... Even if, after all, life is a wonderful thing ...