Genelva Krind

Genelva Krind


Genelva Krind


Kwestie van geduld
Chef Monica is opening a new restaurant in Amsterdam with her boyfriend. To do so she has to go back to her roots, a village called Noorbeek in Zuid-Limburg, to cut some ties. Quickly she stumbles upon an old lover. Much has changed throughout the years, but unexpectedly many more still feels familiar and safe. Is Amsterdam really the right call?
100% Coco Nova York
Coco vence um concurso de verão e vai a Nova York atrás de incríveis aventuras no mundo da moda.
Janey is visiting her aunt in New York for the first time traveling all the way from the Netherlands. She asks her to visit her former home of Suriname, but what she hears is even more stunning tale of the revolution.
Janey is visiting her aunt in New York for the first time traveling all the way from the Netherlands. She asks her to visit her former home of Suriname, but what she hears is even more stunning tale of the revolution.
Janey is visiting her aunt in New York for the first time traveling all the way from the Netherlands. She asks her to visit her former home of Suriname, but what she hears is even more stunning tale of the revolution.
The Price of Sugar
Uma história sobre a vida de duas meias-irmãs no Suriname do século XVIII. Há Lynda, uma colonial branca e proprietária de escravos, e a sua escrava Mini-Mini . Enquanto Lynda está lentamente a ficar amargurada pela vida dura na colónia, Mini-Mini tem a chance da sua própria felicidade. A questão é se ela se atreve a aproveitar essa oportunidade, visto essa felicidade ser à custa da sua senhora e meia-irmã?