Gubbi Sigurdsson


Moon Creek Cemetery
Crazy Carl @ 30
In the 1830's emigrants from Salem, Massachusetts fled their satanic legacy and came to settle in LaSalle County,Illinois. They brought along with them some of their more unpleasant, unsavory past. There were plain wars between settlers and Indians and whites put together a massacre and mass buried them in what became the cemetery. The Moon family were the curators of the plots. Local legend began after such things as farmers being woken up in the middle of the night with loud crashes coming from the cemetery, and then investigating and seeing all the tombstones knocked over. And then there were the murders.
Jogos de Poder
Doc Long's Aide (uncredited)
Charlie Wilson é um político pouco ortodoxo: eleito pelo Texas para o congresso americano, parece mais interessado em viver uma vida boémia à custa dos contribuintes do que em realmente servir o seu país. Todavia, ele revelar-se-á o homem certo para uma das mais arriscadas operações secretas da Guerra Fria: o financiamento e apoio encoberto que a CIA deu aos guerrilheiros que travaram a invasão soviética do Afeganistão nos anos 80, a despeito da destruição virtual do país.