Paul McCaffery


Real Kashmir FC
Production Manager
Davie Robertson - former Aberdeen, Rangers and Leeds United stalwart - is a long way from home. In fact, he's a long way from anywhere. He's the new manager of Real Kashmir FC, and he's left behind his wife and a luxury lifestyle he earned from football, to live in a shared house in a city that regularly suffers violent protests and terrorist attacks. For the people of Kashmir and the owners of the club, Sandeep and Shamim football is not just sport. It's a hope for a better future.
O Verdadeiro Doutor Jivago
Production Manager
Dr. Jivago é uma das histórias de amor mais conhecidas do século 20, mas o cenário do livro também o tornou famoso. É um conto de paixão e medo, ambientado em um cenário de revolução e violência. O filme é o que a maioria das pessoas se lembra, mas a história da escrita do livro tem mais reviravoltas, intriga e bravura do que muitos blockbuster de Hollywood. Neste documentário, Stephen Smith traça o início revolucionário deste best-seller, até que ele se tornou um peão da CIA no auge da Guerra Fria.
The Not So Secret Life of the Manic Depressive: 10 Years On
Production Manager
Ten years ago, in an award-winning series, Stephen Fry first spoke about living with manic depression and began a national conversation about mental health. A decade later, we return to the subject to understand where he and thousands of others diagnosed with bipolar (as it is now called) are now.
Russell Brand: End the Drugs War
Production Coordinator
In this personal journey for BBC Three, Russell Brand sets out to find out how other countries are tackling their problems of drug abuse and to explore how the framework of criminalization implicit in the 'war on drugs' produces enormous harm in the treatment of addicts.