After experiencing a certain void when the premier of their film “The Third Pole” was cancelled due to the Pandemic. The film makers decided to go on a journey with their cameraman Andri Haraldsson and capture those strange times.
After experiencing a certain void when the premier of their film “The Third Pole” was cancelled due to the Pandemic. The film makers decided to go on a journey with their cameraman Andri Haraldsson and capture those strange times.
After experiencing a certain void when the premier of their film “The Third Pole” was cancelled due to the Pandemic. The film makers decided to go on a journey with their cameraman Andri Haraldsson and capture those strange times.
Part road movie, part musical, part serious inquiry into the caverns of the mind. Þriðji pólinn follows Anna Tara Edwards, an Icelander raised in Nepal, and legendary musician Högni Egilsson, as they journey to Anna’s childhood home in the mountain jungles to explore the afflictions and superpowers that come with bipolar disorder.
Part road movie, part musical, part serious inquiry into the caverns of the mind. Þriðji pólinn follows Anna Tara Edwards, an Icelander raised in Nepal, and legendary musician Högni Egilsson, as they journey to Anna’s childhood home in the mountain jungles to explore the afflictions and superpowers that come with bipolar disorder.
A crise financeira mundial que aconteceu em 2008, causou a perda de milhões de empregos e casas e mergulhou os Estados Unidos em uma profunda recessão econômica. Matt Damon narra um documentário que fornece uma análise detalhada dos elementos que levaram ao colapso e identifica peças-chave do mundo financeiro e político. O diretor Charles Ferguson realiza uma gama de entrevistas e traça a história dos Estados Unidos para a China para a Islândia e para outros mercados financeiros mundiais.