Keijo J. Salmela

Keijo J. Salmela


Keijo J. Salmela


The Christmas Family 2
Harry Potter e os Talismãs da Morte: Parte 2
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
No épico final, a batalha entre as forças do bem e do mal do mundo dos feiticeiros vai originar uma guerra sem precedentes. Os riscos nunca foram tão elevados e ninguém está seguro. Mas é Harry Potter quem terá de fazer o sacrifício final, pois a luta com Lord Voldemort aproxima-se. Tudo acaba.
Herrskap och tjänstehjon
The wealthy Pantalone (Ulf Brunnberg) and Doctor Lombardi (Ewa Roos) have just witnessed the engagement between their children. Then an unusually cheeky figure pops up and throws all plans. She calls herself Truffaldina (Eva Rydberg) and seems free from what respect and label is called. Since an accident rarely comes alone, Rasponi now also enters the action and addresses all common concepts of the perishability of life. And it will not be less difficult when a gentleman from Torino, named Florindo, arrives at Venice and enters the same inn as Rasponi. Now it is for Brighella's innkeeper to take the vagina in beautiful hand and keep my good in bad play.
Fatimas tredje hemlighet
The short person
- Now I will read some poetry for you all. The conditions are as follows: If during my reading I notice the least sign of disinterest, a yawn or a cough or a gesture of impatience, I will immediately terminate the reading. Poetry, like all deeper human activities, requires concentration.
Green Men from Outer Space
A UFO has crashed close to a summer holiday park and a couple of kids are set to help them with the aid of a man with magic powers. But they have to hurry before an anti UFO force finds the green men from outer space.