Nicolás Nørgaard Staffolani


Dreaming Arizona
Where does the dream begin and reality end? In Dreaming Arizona, this is the question both for the central figures and for the viewer. Known for his staged documentaries, Danish director Jon Bang Carlsen has five American teenagers from a small town in Arizona reenact their own lives—past, present and future.
O Leonardo Perdido
O filme narra o mistério em torno de "Salvator Mundi", a primeira pintura de Leonardo da Vinci a ser descoberta há mais de um século, que agora aparentemente desapareceu.
The Mole: Undercover in North Korea
A real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-year mission to penetrate the world's most secretive and brutal dictatorship: North Korea.
O Caso Hammarskjöld
O diretor dinamarquês Mads Brügger e o investigador particular sueco Göran Björkdahl estão tentando resolver a misteriosa morte de Dag Hammarskjöld.
A young woman living on a Caribbean island is searching for her father who is lost at sea. When her estranged family come to help, she must confront their dark past and this new family she never expected to embrace.