Adrián Castilla


Adrián Castilla


Sally Ride
A colony trying to regain the suddenly terminated lines of connection to the earth that now threatens their existence.
Take The Bridge
Take The Bridge é um filme independente de 2007 de Sergio M. Castilla sobre quatro jovens adultos que tentam cometer suicídio no mesmo dia e como eles se encontram e se tornam amigos. O filme estreou no Festival de Cinema de Tribeca de 2007.
Te amo (made in Chile)
Sam returns to Chile from the USA after his parents divorce. Left with a sexually-abusive nanny, he makes friends with some other neglected kids: Isabel, whose mother suffers from depression after the disappearance of her father and brother, and Daniela whose mother is dead and whose father is an alcoholic. The teenagers get together to make a slasher film dealing with family issues, and finally confront their demons.