Um fotojornalista que investiga a primeira expedição ao Everest acaba se envolvendo na busca por um respeitado alpinista que desapareceu.
Uma mãe luta, há anos, para reencontrar o filho, separado dela aos 4 anos de idade durante o reinado do Khmer Vermelho no Camboja, um regime que resultou em 2 milhões de mortes no país.
Oscar Mongoût, a gourmet cannibal, burns with love for a neighbor in his building, the very vegetal Miss Carrot. But this passion seems destined to fail: she is vegetarian, while he has a severe case of vegetable phobia. Things take a drastic turn the evening she invites him to dinner.
In a village on the edge of the desert, 12-year-old Ahmed is destined to take over his father’s forge but he dreams only of adventures, wilderness and freedom. With 2 young nomads that he befriends, Slimane and Mançoura, he will learn the secrets of the desert. Together they will discover the mine that just opened. Despite the gold that it seems to promise, they will face its darkness. Exhausted bodies, polluted springs, destruction of the village social structure. Confronted with the hopelessness of his own people, the hell of the mines and Mançoura’s forced marriage, Ahmed will work up the courage to assert himself. And as he struggles he will shape a future for his land and his people.