Boom Operator
O pobre, bondoso e solitário carpinteiro Gepetto esculpe um boneco e o chama de Pinóquio. Para sua alegria, a fada azul dá vida ao menino de madeira e transforma a vida do bom velho. Cabe a um grilo falante orientar Pinóquio a viver os valores que seu pai ensina, mas mesmo assim o garoto de coração de madeira insiste em mentir e se meter em confusões.
Boom Operator
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial na Itália, o judeu Guido e seu filho Giosué são levados para um campo de concentração nazista. Afastado da mulher, ele tem que usar sua imaginação para fazer o menino acreditar que estão participando de uma grande brincadeira, com o intuito de protegê-lo do terror e da violência que os cercam.
Boom Operator
Matteo is a Roman barber whose business is full of debts. He decides to escape from this depressing reality by accepting his sister Angelina's invitation to Brazil.
Boom Operator
A group of Italian tourists on a Caribbean holiday finds itself stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash.
Boom Operator
Por razões políticas o poeta Pablo Neruda se exila em uma ilha na Itália. Lá, um desempregado quase analfabeto é contratado como "carteiro" extra, encarregado de cuidar da correspondência do poeta. Gradativamente se forma uma sólida amizade entre os dois. O carteiro Mario, aos poucos, aprende a escrever seus sentimentos por Beatrice, e Neruda ganha, em troca, um ouvinte compreensivo para suas lembranças saudosas do Chile.
Boom Operator
A relação de amor incestuosa entre uma rica mulher e seu irmão mais novo. Incapazes de lidar com o desejo, os dois passam a criar uma série de jogos voyeurísticos.
Boom Operator
Trainer Oronzo Canà is called to manage Longobarda, the team of a small town of Northern Italy, when it's promoted to the First Division. His only task is not to go back to the Second Division, but even the team's owner plays against Longobarda since the First Division is too expensive, and the young Brazilian player bought for the team is affected by deep 'saudade'. Written by Alessio F. Bragadini
Boom Operator
Rome, Italy, early 1980s. A guy who worked at the Blue Gay, a transvestite cabaret, is found murdered, strangled. Marshal Nico Giraldi is responsible for investigating, infiltrating the Roman Gay community.
Sound Assistant
Forty-something Mattia has every woman in town lusting after him. But every time a woman wants to get hitched, he drags out his 'daughter' (actually the girl next door) to pass judgment on this woman.
Boom Operator
Clumsy public security officer helps an adventurer (Laura Antonelli) to escape from Italy. In order not to undergo a punitive transfer to Barbagia, he goes back on the woman's trail to take her to prison.
Boom Operator
Sicilia 1943, after the landing, between the invading Us army and the defender Italian army, a 2000 years old roman bridge resist to all kind of attacks. Both the army decides to definitively destroy it before the opponent does. But to the chaotic mad American platoon is opposed an Italian military band exchanged for a terrible special commando. Probably the bridge will survive another 2000 years!
Boom Operator
A group of five people is going to vacation on the island of Rhodes: among them is the good-natured Augusto, who intends to bring a cactus to the grave of his uncle Michael.
Boom Operator
A Milanese industrialist goes to Rome to bribe a politician but he loses money. A thief helps him recover them. Milan and Rome in comparison in the duets of the couple Pozzetto-Milian.