Christophe Véricel

Christophe Véricel


Christophe Véricel


Accidental Family
Millenium bouncer
Loïc Le Tallec never really took care of his son. When the latter disappears in a road accident, Loïc is devastated. He has only one idea in mind: to find the one who lives now with the heart of his son. He falls on Hugo, a young man that this brand new heart makes totally unreasonable and uncontrollable. Their meeting promises to be explosive.
La clef des champs
Fred, célebre colunista gastronômico parisiense, arrogante e introvertido, volta a Lyon para encontrar a mãe que fugiu do lar para idosos. É um retorno que se impôs a ele, associado à humilhação profissional, mas que se revelará rico em reviravoltas, encontros e o levará, progressivamente, a se questionar sobre o seu comportamento face aos outros...
Un si joli mensonge
Bruno, simpático quarentão, apaixona-se por Christine, uma bonita dermatologista de 42 anos. Desta relação apaixonada, ele quer um filho, logo. Mas Christine mentiu: tirando partido de sua beleza quase intacta, ela lhe disse ter 42 anos, mas ela já chegou aos cinquenta...
Itinéraire bis
35-year-old Jean still lives with his mother in a small village in Corsica and works as a cook in the family's restaurant. His future, to his great despair, is all mapped out: he'll take over the restaurant. But one day Nora, a young and forceful woman, is thrown into the sea from a racing yacht. She washes up on the beach at Jean's feet - adventure has at last knocked at his door.