Julie Rix Bomholt


After a near death experience Lulu ends up at the hospital and from that moment, everything changes in Lulu’s life. Lulu has a feeling that someone or something is after her. At school Lulu bumps into the infamous yet strangely captivating Mads. According to himself, Mads can see dead people including a girl attached to Lulu. A so-called bonded phantom. But does the girl really exist – and if yes, what does she want?
Uma Linda Vida
Um jovem pescador se transforma em uma revelação musical, mas seu passado é um obstáculo. Será que ele consegue superar seus traumas e conquistar a fama e o amor?
Vigo is a nerdy teenage boy who lives in a fictional world and simulates a virtual game called “Gooseboy,” which enables him to become free as a flying bird. One beautiful day, to the surprise of the boy, a goose accidentally bumps into his balcony. It appears that the gander can speak human language, but sadly he is not able to fly. Vigo and the goose embark on a journey to the north and try to find and catch up with the gander’s flock.
O Retorno
Karoline e Thomas foram adotados e cresceram na Dinamarca. Já na casa dos 30 anos, eles retornam à Coreia do Sul, onde nasceram. Em Seul, conhecem outras pessoas que foram adotadas (e que foram criadas nos Estados Unidos e na Europa). A busca por suas raízes os faz questionar seus próprios destinos e suas identidades. O filme é inspirado nas experiências pessoais da diretora Malene Choi.