Clive Nakayashiki


Batman Beyond: Tech Wars / Disappearing Inque
Production Supervisor
Batman Beyond: Disappearing Inque - The Gotham nights give birth to a brand-new super villain. She is deadly, shape-shifting industrial saboteur named Inque. Black Out - When Terry faces Inque for the first time, he finds that he still has a lot to learn about becoming Batman. Disappearing Inque - With the help of an infatuated lab worker, Inque escapes her frozen imprisonment and devises a plan to destroy Batman and Bruce Wayne. Shriek - When Bruce Wayne challenges Derek Powers's control of Wayne/Powers Industries, Powers orders an employee who has discovered sound can be a weapon, to become Shriek and eliminate Wayne. Year: 1999
Scooby-Doo na Ilha dos Zumbis
Production Supervisor
Scooby Doo, Salsicha, Velma, Daphne e Fred estão na ativa de novo para tentar resolver o mais assustador e divertido mistério de suas carreiras. Nossos garotos “intrometidos” desta vez encontram-se numa ilha mal assombrada para investigar o fantasma do pirata Moonscar. Mas o espírito do corsário não é o único a atormentar a ilha. Os detetives também encontram com estranhas criaturas e zumbis!