Karina Si Ahmed


Dorian Gray: A Portrait of Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray, the seminal work of Irish writer Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), continues to find new readers and inspire artists and creators around the world more than a century after its publication in 1891, because it was endowed with all the elements necessary to make it an undisputed heritage of world literature.
The Blob: A Genius without a Brain
This documentary outlines the unique properties and latest studies of "Physarum Polycephalum", also known as Blob.
John Ford: The Man Who Invented America
Over a 50-year career and more than a hundred movies, filmmaker John Ford (1894-1973) forged the legend of the Far West. By giving a face to the underprivileged, from humble cowboys to persecuted minorities, he revealed like no one else the great social divisions that existed and still exist in the United States. More than four decades after his death, what remains of his legacy and humanistic values in the memory of those who love his work?
Pif, Behind the gimmicks
Taking stock of the extraordinary adventure of "Pif Gadget", a French publishing phenomenon of the 1970s-80s and even of the whole history of children's press. For the comic-strip magazine with the iconic dog, created in 1969 by the French Communist Party, often reached a million copies. With editions available for all of Europe (including Germany, under the title Yps), and on both sides of the Iron Curtain.
Sad People Factory
An investigation into the global nature and epidemic scope of depression, shown from a societal point of view challenging the individual notion of depression. We look at the collective causes of depression with sociologists, social workers, and neuropsychiatrists on the subject’s cutting edge.