Georges Géret

Georges Géret

Nascimento : 1924-10-18, Lyon, Rhône, France

Morte : 1996-04-07


Georges Géret


Via Panisperna Boys
Francese, amico di ettore
The enthusiasms, fears, joys and disappointments of the (private and professional) life of a well-known group of boys fond of physics and mathematics, who just made history as the Via Panisperna boys.
Paradise Hotel
Dr. Jacob
A diverse group of guests gather in a small hotel in Paris to contemplate the state of their lives in this pretentious drama. Joseph Goldman (Fernando Rey) is a washed-up Hollywood actor making a living in the dinner-theater circuit. Accompanied by his wife Sarah (Carole Regnier), Goldman meets Frederique (Berangere Bonvoisin), who is hiding from her former lover. French financier Arthur (Fabrice Luchini) hopes to get into the film industry and bends the ear of a British director (Michael Medwin). The talkative film has little action, and none of the characters evoke much interest or resolve their dilemma.
The Autograph
Dr. Gallo
The bandoneon player Daniel and the boxer Toni arrive independently from each other in a provincial town in Latin America where they are booked to perform at a folk festival. Both of them are completely apolitical but are forced by external circumstances to take a political position. Toni falls in love with the daughter of an influential attorney but has to keep his love a secret. Meanwhile, Daniel learns about the atrocities committed by the Junta from the town’s residents.
Salut la puce
le Poéte
Robert Dumortier and his son "La Puce" live on a barge moored to an island of the Seine and Robert dreams of cruising remote and exotic seas.
La guérilléra
El Mariscal
For 200 Grand, You Get Nothing Now
After getting screwed over by life (again), two losers decide that enough is enough. Using stolen ski masks and stolen toy guns, they take hostages in their local bank, holding them for ransom. Things go well until the hostages learn what's going on, and demand a piece of the action for themselves.
Teheran '43
Dennis Pew
This story starts in 1980 in Paris as the memories of Andrei Borodin, a Soviet agent, take the action back to 1943 during the Teheran meetings of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. A high-ranking Nazi officer developed a plan to assassinate the three world leaders in order to undermine the Allied forces. He commissioned the German agent Max Richard to carry out his plan, but it failed miserably due to the quick action and thinking of Andrei. While in Teheran, Andrei met a French woman, Marie Louni, living in the city and they had a brief but intense affair. Nearly four decades later, the Nazi officer has been captured - but not for long. Freed by terrorists, the officer is hunting down the German agent who failed to carry out the planned assassinations. Max lives at Françoise, a young French woman, who hides him.
Signé Furax
Capitaine Fauderche
The notorious and mysterious criminal Furax steals France's famous monuments, replacing them with replicas.
O Irresistível Aventureiro
After the failure of his recent criminal exploits, international con artist Alexandre Dupré sets off for Venice to try to dupe some Japanese business men into buying a fake copy of a stolen Caneletto. On the aeroplane, a stranger asks him to look after his briefcase until after they have landed. Alexandre agrees, but the stranger is shot dead soon after and Alexandre himself becomes the target of enemy agents who are keen to recover the briefcase...
The Other One's Mug
Commissaire Javert
Martial Perrin is the president of a right-wing political party which is gearing itself up for a forthcoming election. When he learns that a notorious criminal named Kraus has escaped from prison, Perrin panics and goes into hiding. His deputy, Constant, hires Perrin’s cousin, Gilbert, an actor who is a perfect double of Perrin, to replace him. What Gilbert does no know is that the killer Kraus is bumping off the people who were implicated in the affair for which he was arrested, and that Perrin is next on his list.
Tira ou Ladrão
Théodore Musard, aka 'L'Auvergnat'
When the local police inspector was found dead in a prostitute's house, police division commissioner Stan Borowitz is sent to investigate the situation. Posing as the prostitute's long-lost brother "Antonio Cerruti," he discovers a mare's nest of police corruption. In fact, in this comedy thriller the whole town is corrupt. If they were closely examined, Stan's methods for pursuing this investigation might embarrass the police. For instance, he drives into a criminal's house in a fancy, expensive race car. In another incident, he callously blows up a casino owned by Musard , one of the town's crime bosses. On that occasion, he first forces Musard to remove his clothes, and the poor criminal watches his casino explode from across the square while standing naked in a phone booth. Meanwhile, Stan seduces the lovely Edmonde.
Question of Love
Le commissaire Lachot
Architect Dumas dies from a bullet of his own gun in front of his house. The police suspect his young Swedish wife Catherine and her English lover Tom Hastings. After numerous interrogations, in which they entangle themselves in contradictions, they try to flee, but are soon both caught and brought to trial, he in England, she in France. Only when Catherine keeps on proclaiming her innocence, superintendent Corbier finally considers believing her.
Et vive la liberté!
Le sergent
Their feats of arms in Africa are worth to Phil, Jeannot and Gerard to be sent on a special mission in Algeria. Held captive by the Fellaghas, they manage to escape and are congratulated.
The story is based around "spermulites", the alien inhabitants of a dying planet. The only way they can save their planet is by sucking the men of planet earth dry of sperm, kind of like horny vampires.
The Track
Le braconnier
Somewhere in rural France, a young English female tourist is sexually assaulted by two men in the countryside. After she manages to escape, a party of local hunters agree to track her in order to cover up the scandal.
The Protector
Samuel Malakian
Recently released from prison, Samuel Malakian, a wealthy architect, investigates the disappearance of his daughter, Nathalie, kidnapped by thugs linked to the underworld. When he discovers that she is a prostitute, he will descend into the slums of the city and rub shoulders with these dangerous environments. For him, from now on, all means will be good in order to find the fruit of his entrails.
La gueule de l’emploi
Le boxeur
Jacques and Jean-Claude, unemployed actors, start experimenting with various creative petty scams to get by. More and more daring, with the help of Anne, a charming young girl, they blackmail the rich and influential in a different way.
Par le sang des autres
In a little French town everything goes on as usual and people seem friendly and good-natured, until the day two women arrive from Paris. A man gets off the same bus, and that very night he seizes the two women and asks for the most beautiful woman in town as their ransom. After the initial shock, the mayor, his brother, the prefect, the police, and the gendarmerie gather around the house where the two woman are imprisoned. It will be a test for everyone and each of them will show his/her real stuff: hypocrisy, meanness, or humanity concealed under their provincial respectability.
Le Solitaire
François Gosset
The Punishment
Britt, deluxe call-girl, is punished by the brothel owner because she was not accomodating enough to a customer. From now on, she must obey to all customers sadistic wishes, or else.
Le Mataf
Basilio Hagon
When intruders interfere in the robbery of Le Mataf (Michel Constantin) and his gang and a girl is murdered, they are set up for blackmail by an underworld figure who wants them to do a job for him...
The Insolent
Having escaped from prison Ristack contacts his partner, to organize an attack on a van full of gold. The heist goes well but each man is trying to keep all the loot for himself...
Uma Razão para Viver, Uma Razão para Morrer
Sergeant Spike
Durante a Guerra Civil americana, sete condenados aceitam a perigosa missão para escapar da forca. Liderados por um general legalista, eles devem ajudar a recapturar um forte tomados por violento oficial confederado.
Infantryman Jean Froissard is sentenced to two years in Biribi Military Prison in North Africa. He seems to get along, but as incompetence, corruption and sadism of his superiors (which include sexual abuse of the prison inmates) force him and others into rebellion. Court martial ensues ...
Les jambes en l'air
César Grandblaise
Story of a marginal couple, César and Favouille, who set out to find their youngest daughter, who run away from home.
The Man with Connections
Corsican Adjutant
Following "The Two of Us", Claude is now 21 years old. Content with his life, he has a girlfriend Tania and he aspires to become an actor. When he receives his draft notice, a friend convinces Claude he can get out of military service with his connections in Paris. When the connections fall through, Claude is sent for basic training outside Paris before being shipped off to Algeria. His stops in Morocco and Algeria are uneventful as far as military action goes. He returns home with few bad memories of his army life ...
A Very Curious Girl
Gaston Duvalier
Uma tragédia muda a vida de Marie, que começa a se prostituir para conseguir se sustentar. Sua decisão abala a pequena e pacata aldeia onde vive.
A Estrela do Sul
Comedy adventure based on a Jules Verne novel about the ups and downs of jewel thieves in the wilds of Africa circa 1900. George Segal is the appealing hero-heel and Ursula Andress is visually stunning as the lady in the proceedings. Orson Welles has a small role.
Conheça o caso Lambrakis, onde a morte de um político foi encoberta vergonhosamente por políticos e policiais, na Grécia dos anos 60. Vencedor dos Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro e Edição, foi o primeiro filme a ser indicado também na categoria Melhor Filme. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Ankle Bone
While escaping from prison to be with her lesbian friend, a 19-year-old girl breaks her ankle and is picked up by an ex-con, with whom she begins a passionate affair. She finally turns to prostitution and robbery to support herself.
A Quiet Place in the Country
A painter facing a creative block arranges to spend the weekend in the country at his mistress's villa. While staying there, his sanity begins to disintegrate.
The Most Beautiful Month
Cyprien Boromès
Love in the Night
French youth drama.
Os Homens de Las Vegas
After successfully assaulting an armored car between Las Vegas and Los Angeles, the ambitions of the diverse members of the intrepid criminal gang collide, causing undesirable consequences.
Baseado no romance homônimo de Albert Camus, a ação desenrola-se na Argélia na época em que ainda era colônia francesa, país onde Camus viveu grande parte da sua vida. É a história de Meursault, um homem que vive uma vida, que talvez não devesse ser contada. Pois ele vive vazio de emoções, incapaz de sentir amor, saudade, ódio, medo, ou qualquer outra emoção. A sua vida vai se desenrolando como se ele fosse um estrangeiro, não em relação a um país, mas em relação à humanidade. No fim, o crime que comete não o leva ao fim da sua vida, o que leva ao seu fim é a falta de qualquer emoção aquando da morte da sua mãe. Mostrando-nos Camus que tudo o que fazemos num determinado momento se reflete durante o resto de nossa vida.
Dead Run
A thief gets hold of some top secret papers and is chased around Europe by the sinister Organisation.
The Big Grasshopper
While he is trying to escape from a hit man, Carl is setting up a kidnapping in Beirut. He gets lost on his way, falling in love with Salène, a.k.a. "La grande sauterelle"...
Paris Está em Chamas?
The Baker
A verdadeira história da retirada do exército alemão de Paris em 1944. Neste filme longo e cheio de estrelas, vemos as lutas das várias facções da resistência francesa para recuperar o controle de Paris, perto do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial. O general nazista encarregado de Paris, Dietrich von Choltitz (Fröbe), têm ordens de Hitler para queimar a cidade se ele não puder controlá-lo ou se os Aliados chegarem muito perto. Grande parte do drama gira em torno das deliberações morais do General Dietrich, do embaixador sueco Raoul Nordling (Orson Welles), e dos ansiosos mas desesperadas líderes da resistência francesa.
Trap for the Assassin
Roger Laroque
This one is generally looked upon as the best version of the old-fashioned melodrama by Jules Mary.Riccardo Freda,who was mainly known for his horror movies,tried also his hand at spy thrillers in the wake of James Bond ("Coplan Ouvre Le Feu à Mexico") ,and had a penchant for old French melodramas (before "Roger la Honte" ,he redid "Les Deux Orphelines " -D.W.GRiffith's "orphans of the storm-. Georges Géret replaces Lucien Coedel and Irene Pappas takes on Maria Casarès's part of his mistress.Freda 's movie is more compact ,with a running time of 105 min,whereas Cayatte's version (1945-46) spread over two episodes with a total time exceeding 3 hours.It also benefited from the use of color .But all in all,it's the same old story.
O Ópio Também é uma Flor
Superintendent Roche
Neste filme antidrogas narrado por Grace Kelly, um grupo de agentes de combate aos narcóticos, trabalhando para as Nações Unidas, injeta um composto radioativo em um carregamento de ópio apreendido na fronteira entre o Afeganistão e o Irã, na esperança de que isso os leve à heroína do principal distribuidor de drogas na Europa. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Rouquemoute dit "Le Rouquin"
Three little criminals get a tip for a great coup with lots of money in it. Unfortunately they lack the starting funds to buy the required welding torch. So they persuade their successful colleague Alphonse to join their team. But the well thought-out coup fails, and Alphonse is the only one of them who ends up in jail for several years. When he's released, he's out for revenge.
The Thunder of God
Brassac is a drunken veterinarian who can't resist bringing home stray animals and humans. Lilli Palmer plays his long-suffering wife Marie. When he brings home the prostitute Simone, Brassac is not sure he is acting out of concern or lust. He beats up the pimp who comes looking for Simone, and Brassac is happy when she later falls in love with his neighbor, and they make Brassac a "grandfather."
Crime on a Summer Morning
Max Zegetti
An ill-assorted group of international criminals executes a tightly-planned ransom sting in Spain. Things go along swimmingly until various tensions within the group come to the fore.
Gloriosa Retirada
In June 1940, during the Dunkirk evacuation of Allied troops to England, French sergeant Julien Maillat and his men debate whether to evacuate to Britain or stay and fight the German troops that are closing-in from all directions.
Terei o Direito de Matar?
Le lieutenant Fraser
Thomas se torna um desertor da guerra da Argélia e acaba por ajudar uma jovem advogada que vem para defender os Argelinos.
Mata Hari - A Agente 21
Soldier #2
This French version of the notorious spy's life centers less on her romantic escapades, and more on those that reveal the person she actually was during WW I when her German superiors ordered her to seduce the French captain Trintignant so she can steal classified papers from him. Instead she falls in love with him, blows the cover, and ends up convicted of espionage and shot. (AllMovie)
Diário de uma Camareira
Após o estupro e assassinato de uma garotinha, camareira de uma família excêntrica muda de emprego e vai trabalhar com o homem que acredita ser o autor do crime. Ironicamente, se trata de ninguém mais, ninguém menos que seu noivo, e passa a reunir indícios que comprovem a autoria do crime.
Le Dossier Chelsea Street
The inspector
A French telefilm broadcast on 30th September 1962, this is a detective fiction, set in London, 1927. The plot is set in a single space... a police interrogation room for suspects. It has only three characters; the suspect, who is an architect, and an idealist influenced by radical ideas. The other two characters are policemen, who try to coax from him the motive behind the death (murder?) of his three year old child. Even in a remastered DVD, the beta production values of a television production will be evident. But at barely a few minutes over an hour, it packs a brisk, at times rushed, but an interesting narrative. Makes one wonder, what other gems must the TV vaults in France (and UK, and Germany, and Italy) conceal?
Paris Pick-Up
Un homme se disputant au bar
On a Christmas night, an ex-convict meets a beautiful Italian married woman who has got a lot of things to hide.
Le Caïd
Le Désert de Pigalle
A young priest works as a barman in a Pigalle cafe in Paris. He tries to prevent the women there to prostitute themselves....
Dear Caroline
Un gardien de la Conciergerie
France, July 1782. During her birthday, the beautiful young Marchioness Caroline meets the attractive soldier Gaston. It's love at first sight but Gaston does not wish to make a commitment because a military career waits for him. Caroline marries then a politician but the French Revolution bursts and Caroline has to run away to escape the guillotine. By running away she meets Gaston again who decides to help her.