Teen misfits Roma, Toto, and Drop call themselves the “Don Glees,” an informal name for their backyard adventures. One day, when the trio gets blamed for a nearby forest fire, they set off into the woods to prove their innocence. As disaster strikes their expedition, tensions flare between the friends as they realize that growing up has taken them on wildly different paths in life.
Seis mil anos antes de Sora e Shiro chegarem a Disboard, a guerra consumiu a terra, rasgando os céus, destruindo estrelas e até ameaçando acabar com a raça humana. Em meio ao caos e à destruição, um jovem chamado Riku leva a humanidade para o amanhã em que seu coração acreditava. Um dia, nas ruínas de uma cidade de Elfos, ele conhece Shuvi, uma exilada que lhe pede para ensinar o que significa ter um coração humano.
Gurdeep is a thirteen-year-old Canadian Sikh whose family runs a dairy farm near Chilliwack, British Columbia. They have retained their language and religion. Attendance at the Sikh temple, playing soccer with his schoolmates, and working on the farm are all part of Gurdeep's well-integrated life, but sometimes he feels a little different from the other children because he wears a turban. This film is part of the Children of Canada series.