Cédric Chami


O Mundo é Seu
Para deixar a vida de crimes, um traficante de Paris aceita um último trabalho na Espanha. No seu caminho, marginais desequilibrados, uma antiga paixão e a mãe golpista.
Viagem do Coração
Hair Department Head
On the eve of World War II four Parisians cope with the impending invasion of their city by German forces. While the French government braces for impact, the intersected lives of a young writer, a vain movie star, a French politician and a young scientist are examined as they attempt to deal with war and evade German spies.
L'Art (délicat) de la séduction
Key Hair Stylist
The film follows Etienne, a 40-year-old car designer, who takes time off from work to study sexual mastery from a Zen master and several prostitutes, in the hopes of having the sexual skill to impress Laure. Laure, a blonde who was introduced to him by his friend Jacques, told Etienne on January 1 that she will not have sex with him until May 27 that year at precisely 9 PM.
Sob a Areia
Quando o marido desaparece na praia, uma professora começa a se desintegrar mentalmente quando a negação do desaparecimento dele se torna ilusória. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Loucas Noites de Batom
Key Hair Stylist
Adrien Aymar (Patrick Timsit), é um executivo de um banco. Para fechar um contrato milionário será necessário participar de um jantar na casa do patrão, Alexandre Hagutte, e para esconder sua homossexualidade, convida a amiga Eva (Fanny Ardant), dona de um restaurante gay, para se passar por sua esposa. Alexandre, apesar de casado com Marie, se encanta com Eva... A trilha inclui Boney M., Village People, etc. Sans Contrefaçon, de Mylène Farmer, é cantado pelos protagonistas.
Mulheres Diabólicas
Makeup & Hair
Sophie trabalha como empregada doméstica para a Mme. Leliévre em Saint-Malo, onde faz amizade com Joanne, uma funcionária sincera dos correios. Porém, quando Jeanne a incentiva a se rebelar contra seus patrões, Sophie é demitida. Unidas por seus segredos ocultos, as duas decidem se vingar.
The Supper
Key Hair Stylist
France, 1815. After his defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon heads for exile. Royalists occupy Paris and attempt to restore the monarchy. However, the battle doesn't seem to be over. On July 6, Talleyrand, a shrewd politician of flexible convictions, invites chief of police and zealous revolutionary Fouché to supper and tries to convince him to serve the king. Over the meal they insult each other, accuse each other, and, at first sight, look like mortal enemies. But they definitely have one thing in common: they are both power-hungry.
Women and Men: Stories of Seduction
This trio of tales, based on classic short stories, chronicles the complicated relations between the sexes.
Brothers in Arms
Simon, a Jewish police inspector, arrests Karim, a Muslim, in the bust of a drug smuggling cargo ship, only to realize that Karim is an undercover agent from the military intelligence, whose mission he was not aware of. The two men pursue the narc investigation, which will lead them to confront middle eastern terrorists together.
In a post-apocalyptic future, an international sport has been established where a driver of a computerized truck must drive across country to an established terminus and not be stopped by other vehicles. The lead truck, called "Monster" has been created by a boy genius and is to be driven by a woman through the course. The only problem is the computer guidance system fails and she ends up in uncharted territories. There she encounters leather-clad hoods who torture her and eventually kill her. Before dying she tells a fellow prisoner about the truck and he uses it to escape.
Tangos: O Exílio de Gardel
Makeup Artist
Paris, 1980. Um grupo de artistas argentinos se refugia no país, como forma de fazer frente aos duros tempos da ditadura militar argentina. Lá eles enfrentam todas as dificuldades típicas que assolam os latino-americanos para se estabelecerem nos chamados países do primeiro mundo. Na solidão do exílio, buscam conexão com sua identidade e cultura através de apresentações de tango e se empenham na montagem do espetáculo Tanguedia (tango + tragédia + comedia): “O Exílio de Gardel”.