Rodrigo Leme


O Capitalismo Matou Meus Pais
Vanessa está de mudança. Com uma caixa de livros de poesia não vendidos e a relação com seus pais se deteriorando, o mundo dela parece desmoronar a sua volta e ela está perdendo as esperanças. Porém, uma visita inesperada da encantadora e enigmática Alice reacende novos sentimentos em Vanessa e desperta um novo olhar sobre si mesma.
Um Estranho no Escuro
A blind man witnesses a homicide and is followed to his house by the murderer
Kira, Sioux, Mo and Hemera live in an abandoned shed. They need each other to escape from nature itself. However, there are rules in the everyday that must be followed so that they remain in peace. Kira breaks down the most important of them: not to talk to their victims - and so discovers that there are wounds that surpass the surfaces.
Pequenos Animais Sem Dono
Sound Director
Olivia and Arthur spend their days away from home, listen to music and dream of somewhere far away. The day Olivia discovers a stray cat in the woods is the first step into a journey of loss of innocence.