Eldad Guetta


A Vida É Agora 2
Original Music Composer
Segue Vivien e Roy enquanto sua história de amor continua e os leva à casa de infância de Roy na Sicília para se preparar para a venda da propriedade da família. Durante a visita, uma mulher misteriosa chega e faz amizade com Vivien, para desgosto de Roy. As tensões aumentam e as linhas são cruzadas à medida que segredos do passado de Roy forçam o casal a enfrentar aspectos de seu relacionamento que eles não sabiam que existiam.
Press Play
Original Music Composer
Laura and Harrison have the picture-perfect romance built on the foundation of a shared love of music. After a deadly accident, Laura gets the chance to save the love of her life when she discovers that their mixtape can transport her back in time.
No Ritmo do Coração
Music Programmer
Como CODA (Filhos de Adultos Surdos), Ruby é a única pessoa com audição em sua família. Quando o negócio de pesca da família é ameaçado, Ruby se vê dividida entre seguir seu amor pela música e seu medo de abandonar seus pais.
Date Nite
In a world where love can lead to grotesque physical transformation, a lonely man risks his life for a chance at human connection.
Espírito Jovem
Music Producer
Violet (Elle Fanning) é uma garota adolescente que sonha em ser popstar e escapar no vilarejo rural onde mora junto da mãe desajustada. Quando o concurso Teen Spirit passa por sua cidade, ela decide se arriscar, entre centenas de garotas. Aos poucos, Violet recebe a ajuda de Vlad (Zlatko Buric), cantor de ópera bósnio e decadente, e começa a superar as etapas do concurso. Mas conforme a fama se aproxima, a garota deve pensar suas prioridades e enfrentar os perigos da fama.
Home Shopper
In a loveless marriage, Penny finds solace in the hypnotic escape of the home shopping channel. When things take an unexpected turn with her husband, the channel proves to be her saving grace... or was it the problem all along?
Home Shopper
Music Score Producer
In a loveless marriage, Penny finds solace in the hypnotic escape of the home shopping channel. When things take an unexpected turn with her husband, the channel proves to be her saving grace... or was it the problem all along?
House of Flying Arrows
Original Music Composer
The popular rise of darts is charted in this pin-sharp documentary that follows the trajectory of arrows from local pub to beer-soaked arena. Featuring archive footage, behind-the-scenes access and interviews with current darting personalities such as Michael van Gerwen, Gary Anderson and Raymond van Barneveld, the film traces the sport's evolution from humble beginnings through to the glamorous heyday of the 1980s and on into the lucrative professional era.
The Cemetery Club
Original Music Composer
10 o'clock, Saturday morning. A group of elderly women and men carry plastic lawn chairs across the Mount Herzl National Cemetery in Jerusalem. In the shade of an old pine tree, they sit down, in a circle and discuss matters sublime and elevated. For over two decades, the "Mt. Herzl Academy has held its weekly meeting at this cemetery. Seated between the graves of the nation's dignitaries, they debate the history of modern philosophy, read poetry, eat lunch and determine the fate of the Jewish nation. Director Tali Shemesh has been following the "Academy" for the last 5 years, focusing on two members: Minia, the director's grandmother, and Lena, her great aunt. The film unravels the jagged, intense, almost impossible relationship between these two extremely different women, who each bereaved of the man she loved remain bound together by history and Fate.