Boris Voytsekhovskiy

Boris Voytsekhovskiy


Boris Voytsekhovskiy


uncle Yura
Is secret cooperation with the government a respectable thing?.. This is the question Nikolay should answer for himself.
The Ugly Swans
In the near future, writer Victor Banev gets himself on a UN commission to investigate what's going on in the remote town of Tashlinsk, where reports tell of a virus-created race of brainiac mutants. Banev's tween daughter Ira is enrolled at a school for gifted children which has been taken over by the mutants, who have grown to despise ordinary humanity.
Os derradeiros momentos de Vladimir Lenin, o seu isolamento, as suas questões existenciais e sua perplexidade diante do fim. O líder russo que mudou o curso da história e abalou o mundo aguarda a morte numa casa cedida pelo Estado. Lenin está impotente e a sua consciência aos poucos vai-se apagando. A seu lado, apenas a sua mulher.
The Gardener
второй следователь
The story of a hero who grew an apple orchard for people.
My Friend Ivan Lapshin
Russian provincial town in the middle of the 1930s Stalin's Great Purge. Ivan Lapshin, the head of the local police, does what he has to do. And he does it well.