Chris Bridgewater

Chris Bridgewater


Chris has come from a background of nearly 20 years training in Martial Arts and competing throughout this time in various styles. Having just wrapped up a 10 year professional Mixed Martial Arts career, with his last fight being on International soil, Chris has now bridged the gap to Film and Television where he continues to strive for greatness. Chris brings with him years of experience in many different martial arts, traditional and competitive, and has used these on set a number of times as both an actor and fight choreographer. To date Chris has worked on a number of feature films as an actor, stunt performer and stunt/fight choreographer as well as on a number of smaller productions. He has also acted in and coordinated combat scenes in numerous music videos for notable artists.


Chris Bridgewater


The Possessed
A man with the ability to exorcise demons fights to protect his loved ones after a sudden surge in demonic possessions. After discovering his nephew's girlfriend has the same supernatural gift, they join forces for the ultimate confrontation. Inspired by actual events.
Perigo Iminente
Em agosto de 1966, em uma plantação de borracha vietnamita chamada Long Tan, 108 soldados jovens e inexperientes da Austrália e Nova Zelândia estão lutando por suas vidas contra 2500 soldados do Vietnã do Norte e Viet Cong.
Power, invincibility and immortality are just some of the things desired by those who wish to "rule the world". Allowing this to corrupt, is what leads to one taking the path of darkness, from which there is no return... such is the story of TANTRICA
Fera Selvagem
No áspero e belo interior australiano vive uma fera de tamanho impressionante, com uma necessidade implacável de sangue e destruição. O animal defende seu território com força brutal e mata com uma selvageria crua diferente de qualquer outra já vista antes.
Thicker Than Water
Associate Producer
A sister struggles to keep her brothers together when the eldest, a recovering drug addict, returns from rehab.
Hand of Art
Blue Eyes
An abstract artist promises to deliver twenty five paintings to an art gallery. As he fights for his creative spark and deadlines loom, he feels his world around him crumble away.
Fight Choreographer
The rise and fall of the worlds first superhero, Guardian.