Robert Wightman


The Robber Bridegroom
Set Designer
In a small Southern town, a plantation owner is duped into thinking a thief is a kind stranger. To repay the stranger for stopping a robbery, the plantation owner invites him to his home to meet his daughter.
Os Selvagens da Noite
Art Direction
Em Nova York, as gangues de delinquentes juvenis se reúnem em uma convenção. O líder do principal grupo prega a união entre eles, pois juntos poderão controlar a cidade (o contingente deles é maior que a força policial). O líder acaba sendo assassinado, com a culpa recaindo sobre um bando da periferia, que nada teve a ver com o atentado. Assim eles se vêem obrigados a atravessar a cidade, enquanto são caçados pelos membros das outras gangues.
Art Direction
An American soldier sent to Vietnam goes AWOL and returns to his hometown. His parents turn him over to military authorities. He is court-martialled and sent to the toughest military prison...
The Owl and the Pussycat
Art Direction
Meek, owlish Felix and strident, catty Doris live in the same apartment building. His incessant typing bothers her; her gentlemen callers bother him. Felix informs the landlord of her activities, so Doris moves in on Felix. When they both get thrown out, they move in with Barney... until they drive him out! That's when Felix and Doris finally decide to put theory into practice. But do opposites attract?
John e Mary
Assistant Art Director
John and Mary meet in a singles bar, sleep together, and spend the next day getting to know each other.