Aziz é um homem com limitações devido a uma severa deficiência. Porém, tal condição não impediu que Mizgin, a mulher mais bonita do vilarejo, se apaixonasse por ele. Exaustos dos problemas da vila, o casal se instala em uma cidade no oeste onde enfrentam o preconceito e maldade de seus vizinhos. Mas isso não pode pará-los.
The mid 90’s. Turkey’s political instability, inflation and hopelesness on people were increased. In those years when all hope was lost, people deeply bond with Bold Pilot and Halis Karataş who win every race coming from the last place. People see themselves at the point where this horse and jockey are: at the back. This duo make people to believe that everybody can win. The race ends at the finish line and the first to cross this line are Bold Pilot and Halis riding it.
Serdar is 29 years old. He is an introvert person who continues his life as an animator. The idealist journalist who works in the magazine Ah Güzel Istanbul has long been in love with Gizem, but Gizem is not even aware of his existence. Serdar, with his roommates Batu and Masal result as a result of a claim, meets Gizem and decides to be dear. The subject of Gizem's interview with the magazine is filo-phobia. And Serdar introduces himself as a filo-phobic.