Mike Evans


A Múmia
Focus Puller
Em 1926, um grupo de arqueólogos descobre um túmulo na cidade perdida de Hamunaptra. Dentro da tumba é encontrado o corpo de Imhotep, o sacerdote do Faraó Seti, que foi mumificado vivo e amaldiçoado por ter dormido com a amante do faraó e assassinado o faraó. Um dos membros da equipa lê um manuscrito encontrado no local, trazendo Imhotep de volta à vida, com toda a sua sede de vingança e arrastando consigo as dez pragas do Egipto.
Salome's Last Dance
Focus Puller
London, England, November 5th, 1892, Guy Fawkes Night. The famous playwright Oscar Wilde and his lover Lord Alfred Douglas discreetly go to a luxury brothel where the owner, Alfred Taylor, has prepared a surprise for the renowned author: a private and very special performance of his play Salome, banned by the authorities, in which Taylor himself and the peculiar inhabitants of the exclusive establishment will participate.
Olympic Spirit
Camera Operator
A documentary covering the 1980 Olympic Games in Lake Placid.
Energy in Perspective
Camera Operator
A BAFTA award nominated documentary discussing man's historic use of energy and examines the limits of the world's supply of fossil fuels - coal, oil and natural gas.