Ruben Russ


Camera Operator
Um ator de novelas recém saído do armário cruza caminhos com um ativista pró-casamento gay recém divorciado, forçando-os a confrontar o preço da fama e a natureza instável da celebridade dentro da comunidade gay.
Midnight Movie
Director of Photography
A rarely seen slasher flick gets a midnight screening at a run-down movie theater. The film's director was supposedly driven insane by it, but that doesn't deter horror fans, including Bridget and her boyfriend, Josh, from attending the showing. When the lights dim and the movie starts, they'd better prepare themselves for the scare of their lives. That's because they're not just going to be watching this bloodbath -- they're going to be starring in it.
Railroad to Hell: A Chinaman's Chance
Director of Photography
1870's America. A Chinese immigrant falsely accused of murdering a white woman is viciously hunted down; he'll have to prove his innocence in a time when people of color had "no legal rights" and could be bought and sold for a profit. Railroad to Hell: A Chinaman's Chance explores the exploitation of Chinese workers during the building of American railroads. The workers not only spent long hours, but the work was often dangerous and fatal. The Chinaman is a fugitive on the run, and all odds are against him. While stealing a horse was a hanging offense in the Old West, our fugitive knows that killing a Chinaman is not a crime.