Sandro Calderón


The Banquet
Uqbar, the father of a family, is disturbed in his desolate house by three mysterious creatures. They will order him to organize a delicious banquet in exchange for a better life for his family.
Guadeloupe is the housekeeper of the bitchy and always busy lady Paula. Due to the busyness of the mistress, Guadeloupe practically replaced the mother of Señora Paula's children.
Papá Martín
The story of a young orphan, law student whose close relatives limits to just his grandfather and one of his teachers.
The Last Hour
Two Peruvian detectives must capture Abimael Guzman, the leader of terrorist organization Shining Path, but their intense and complex relationship will endanger their mission and their lives, in the midst of violent Lima of 1992.
In the late dark hours, a taxi driver told the great Peruvian director Alejandro Roca Rey a story about his bizarre night with three strange passengers, and how the long, frightening ride changed his life forever.
Pantaleão e as Visitadoras
Mario el Fotógrafo
O capitão do exército peruano Pantaleon Pantoja, um oficial muito sério e eficiente, é escolhido para organizar um serviço especial de 'visitantes' para satisfazer as necessidades sexuais dos soldados colocados em postos avançados da selva.
A short done in quarantine.
A short done in quarantine.