Gerald's Hands is a movie about a man on the spectrum who is at risk of losing his norms and his love interest after an unexpected loss. It explores autism, loneliness, death, grief, morality, compassion, love, family, and friendship.
Repórter em busca de respostas no assassinato de seu filho, descobre um narcotráfico executado fora do centro de reabilitação da cidade, e sua vida muda mais do que ele jamais sonhou ser possível, pois se depara com uma escolha que afetará sua eternidade.
In 2017, in the wake of the newly-elected President Trump's mysterious tragic fall from the balcony of Trump Tower, Barack Obama declares himself "President-For-Life". Now, in 2040, in a gunless, godless America renamed "Obamaland", a ragtag group of patriotic "Trumpublikans" plot from an abandoned Applecheez deep in the Heartland to take their country back once and for all
In the superhero business, you've got to roll with the punches. At a soiree hosted by super-brain Liam, old friends and foes reminisce over past misadventures. Big egos and fragmented alliances make for a potent cocktail, as the beautiful Damascus and ruthless Doctor FUNdamental steer the small talk to a shattering conclusion. Five heroes, one bar tab, zero do-overs. eeeee