Yoann Veyrat


Kiko and the Animals
Sound Mixer
Kiko is a nightmare for all the animals. He bullies them all the time, even the smallest mouse can't escape from him! How could the animals stand out and make him understand that they are just like him, capable of emotions, love, and deserve respect?
The Kindergarten Show
Sound Mixer
A master owl tries to present the kindergarten end of year show. Unfortunately the night does not go as planned, as several unforeseen events happened, one after the other, even before the curtain came up.
A Lynx in the Town
Sound Mixer
A curious lynx leaves its forest, attracted by the lights of the nearby town. It has great fun there until it falls asleep in the middle of a parking lot. In the early morning, locals are astonished to find this strange animal covered in snow.
Sound Mixer
Inès is facing a difficult choice. Tonight, she thinks about the decision she will make.
Mix Technician
Jeanne was born in 1959 in Saigon. She enjoyed a privileged lifestyle, protected from the war between North and South Vietnam. Fascinated by horses, Jeanne rode a mare called Bach-Hông. But on April 30th 1975, the communists stormed the city.
Sound Mixer
Left to her own devices during an August heatwave, a seven-year-old wild child and her companion have an adventure filled with squirt guns, cicadas and rain dances.
Mixing Engineer
Mach 2: A Potência Supersónica do Concorde
Sound Recordist
Atualmente, o Concorde continua a ser uma lenda da aviação, graças à sua tecnologia revolucionária, ao seu design inovador e a um rendimento incomparável, capaz de alcançar Mach 2 (2200 km/h) para ligar Paris e Londres a Nova Iorque, em menos de quatro horas. Mas como se forjou a lenda do Concorde? Com que obstáculos depararam os engenheiros, durante o projeto da sua construção? Que materiais utilizaram para converter o sonho em realidade? Como influenciou a tecnologia aeronáutica do século XXI? Quinze anos depois da sua retirada definitiva, revelamos ao pormenor toda a complexidade do Concorde, o único avião comercial supersónico da história da aviação.
In a Cage
Sound Mixer
It’s the story of an encounter: a caged bear who can’t sing meets a little bird who can’t fly but who can sing beautifully. Their friendship will be mutually beneficial and together they will overcome their disabilities.
Betty's Blues
Mixing Engineer
The story begins in the basement of a worn-out blues bar in Louisiana in the 1980s. A few regular customers are having a drink. A guitarist gets on stage and everybody comments on the newcomer. The guitarist draws the attention of the audience by tapping the microphone. He introduces himself. He will tell them the true story of Blind Boogie Jones.
The Conquerors
Sound Mixer
In this animated short, a young couple washed onto a strange, inhospitable shore, attempts to transform the land into an Eden. Through great effort they prosper, learning to conquer nature and their environment. But what will their victory mean? Alternately a vision of paradise and purgatory, with allusions to the Book of Genesis and prehistory, the film tells the story of human beings and their conquests, offering a dark, critical view of the rise and fall of civilizations.