Charlie Porter


O Jogo da Espionagem
Harris é um oficial da CIA envolvido em missões para deter e realocar estrangeiros para interrogatório. Quando uma mudança política em Washington transforma seus aliados em inimigos, Harris se torna o bode expiatório para o assassinato de um detido e deve fugir de uma equipe de agentes enviados para trazê-lo, liderados por um agente duplo implacável.
Wide-eyed Midwest transplant Stan agrees to play wingman to his calculating and privileged roommate Chad as they embark upon an exploration of glittering New York nightlife, whose darkest secrets are held captive by an elite band of millennials known as Nighthawks.
Nighty Night
A man with trouble sleeping volunteers for an overnight study and makes an unlikely friend.
Tooth and Nail
A dysfunctional family reunites after the son, Matt, is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Matt and his sister Kate make a pact. He agrees to give her his sperm for future use with a partner if she agrees to come out to the family that night.
Home for Thanksgiving break after their first semester at college, five friends discover just how much things change (and don't) after high school.