Andy Liu


Game, Set, Love
Sound Mixer
A tenista Taylor treina seu amigo, Will, para um torneio de tenis de duplas mistas quando ela descobre que há mais nele do que ser apenas um bad boy.
North to Home
Sound Mixer
Suzanne McBride is excited to spend her birthday with her family. It will be the first time that her three adopted daughters will be together in years. This seems like a great time for a family reunion, but the sisters are each wrestling with unique challenges that threaten to derail this special occasion.
Ciência do Amor
Sound Mixer
Kendall, uma autora de autoajuda amorosa de renome nacional, sofre uma queda na carreira com o lançamento de seu novo livro. Durante uma sessão de autógrafos, ela encontra o colunista de revistas Nathan.
It's Not You, It's Not Me.
Uma mulher alosexual e um homem assexual discutem o seu relacionamento.
Assassinato Via Babá Eletrônica
Boom Operator
Cassie Temple aceita um emprego como babá em casa após o término do estágio, mas começa a suspeitar que seu empregador está tramando algo sinistro depois de ouvir uma trama de assassinato.
Best Friend's Betrayal
Boom Operator
Best friends Katie and Jess are inseparable and have always had each other's backs. When Jess begins a new serious relationship, Katie is unsure of the new perfect man and famous crime writer, Nick. She wants to support her friend's newfound happiness but is fiercely protective. Katie's obsession with Jess soon proves deadly and it is up to the recently vilified Nick to expose the bestie before it is too late.
A Paciente Errada
Boom Operator
A Dra. Katie Jones, uma cirurgiã plástica bem-sucedida, fica presa na rede de um paciente narcisista cujo caminho para a perfeição ameaça destruir Katie e sua família.
Til Ex Do Us Part
Boom Operator
Just when their separation is coming to an end, and Kyle and Sophia have recommitted to each other, Sophia is accused of assaulting her husband's "friend," Claire, a woman he slept with once. In reality, however, Claire is engineering a series of attacks against herself to frame Sophia and keep Kyle for herself. When the ruse falls apart, Claire makes a direct attack on her rival.
Bigfoot Country
Sound Mixer
Some say Bigfoot is just a hoax but when a group of hikers go deep into the woods after being warned by a guide that has encountered a Sasquatch, they decide to ignore him and go off trail, but the deeper the go into the woods they realize that they are not alone. Becoming hysterical as night falls, the group is terrorized to their core and accidentally shoots and wounds a Sasquatch. Legend says the Bigfoot species simply want to be left alone but when provoked, they will protect their territory and in this case the damage has been done and there is no turning back.