Lazar Bodroža


Advent – a time of joyful anticipation. You will surely remember the feeling you had as a child, waking up on the first December morning. Rising early, ready to open a new door for 24 consecutive days.
Inteligência Artificial: Ascensão das Máquinas
Um relacionamento íntimo entre um humano e um androide testa os limites da natureza humana.
Uber Life: An Interactive Movie
An experimental project in hybrid form that combines the elements of dramatic feature film and video game, in which the player - viewer, actually - participates and influences the narrative with his own choice of plot.
Uber Life: An Interactive Movie
An experimental project in hybrid form that combines the elements of dramatic feature film and video game, in which the player - viewer, actually - participates and influences the narrative with his own choice of plot.
The story of a female astronaut stationed in outer space to monitor solar storms that endanger Earth. She discovers shock waves from solar storms are bending time, pushing her into an emotional and psychological struggle with her past and present.