Eduardo Raon


Idade Óssea – Um Filme em Sete Quadros
Through a stimulant intercross of techniques -which incorporates not only photography but also traditional animation and stop motion, among others- Isabel Aboim Ingles constructs a collage that is so playful as it is personal, in which she reflects on the pass of time, ages, aches and human nature.
No final dos anos 50, Alberto, um jovem professor do liceu é colocado em Évora, onde pretende iniciar-se como escritor. Deixa-se seduzir por Sofia, uma das três filhas de um médico local. Nas aulas Alberto põe à prova os seus ensaios existenciais cativando um aluno, Carolino. Quando Sofia o troca inesperadamente por Carolino, Alberto sucumbe ao tumulto passional e ao extremismo das suas convicções.
It Would Piss Me Off to Die So Yoooooung...
Sound Designer
Oh, little soldier, jaunting happily towards the war, you pay no heed to the red petal you carry, marking the ones who'll fall. Such petal is the sign of the mustard yellow death that will smother you in the pestiferous, muddy trenches. Not, however, without introducing you to some of the damned that have left already, and who are waiting for you in the fields of desolation.
It Would Piss Me Off to Die So Yoooooung...
Oh, little soldier, jaunting happily towards the war, you pay no heed to the red petal you carry, marking the ones who'll fall. Such petal is the sign of the mustard yellow death that will smother you in the pestiferous, muddy trenches. Not, however, without introducing you to some of the damned that have left already, and who are waiting for you in the fields of desolation.