Mark Hoeppner


Cervantes' Regular
This version of "El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote De La Mancha" brings the ancient tale to modern day but all the old familiar names are there. As in Cervantes's tale, Don Quixote is persistent in his belief in chivalry and honor. He clings to the old ways and is reluctant to give way to modern behaviors. He sees things in a different way, the smoke stack of a factory is a beast to be conquered, his bicycle is his trusty steed and the hapless man stranded by a transit strike who tries to help suddenly finds himself to be the sidekick to the deluded Quixote.
Scary Movie - Um Susto de Filme
Das mentes dos criadores do seriado da TV americana "In living color" surge o primeiro thriller-comédia, em que adolescentes apavorados fugindo de maníacos assassinos são o pretexto para uma série de piadas envolvendo todos os recentes filme de terror, da série "Pânico" até "O sexto sentido", passando ainda por outros grandes sucessos do cinema, como "Matrix" e "Os suspeitos".