Yorgos Tsourgiannis


Yorgos Tsourgiannis is known for Dogtooth (2009), Burning Days (2022) and II (2014).


Burning Days
Emre, a young and dedicated prosecutor, is newly appointed to a small town hit by a water crisis and political scandals. After an initial welcome, he experiences an increasing number of tense interactions and is reluctantly dragged into local politics. When Emre forms a bond with the owner of the local newspaper pressure escalates under heated rumours.
All the Pretty Little Horses
In the wake of a disaster, Alice and her husband Petros take their young son Panagiotis to a provincial seaside town, seeking refuge. Working temporary jobs, Alice and Petros try to put their lives back together so they can return home to Athens. When Alice begins to realise the plan is not working – or worse, that it may not even exist – the distance between her and Petros begins to grow.
In the midst of a searing heatwave twos little kids find the way to cool everyone down.
O Conto das Três Irmãs
Em um vilarejo pobre no centro da Península de Anatólia, três jovens garotas foram entregues pelo pai a uma rica família da cidade grande, na intenção de trabalharem como babás e empregadas domésticas. Uma a uma, foram enviadas de volta, por desagradarem aos patrões. Enquanto o pai das três tenta consertar a situação, para dar melhores condições de vida às garotas, elas sonham com um futuro longe dali.
Unbuilt Light
Executive Producer
Time strung together by recollections, encounters and dreams. A farewell over the three last months of a man before his final transformation.
An old groom walks in the open horizon towards a bride waiting for him. They meet but the distance between them starts to grow once again.
An old groom walks in the open horizon towards a bride waiting for him. They meet but the distance between them starts to grow once again.
Photophobic Zano, arrives in the big city for the very first time. The year is 1984 and Athens beckons. A vampire and a fine dancer, Zano quickly gets devoured by the dark underbelly of the capital city. All he really wants is a 'warm' girl.
O pai, a mãe e os três filhos vivem numa casa nos subúrbios da cidade. À volta dela, existe uma cerca alta que as crianças nunca passaram. São educadas, entretidas e exercitadas pelos pais, sem qualquer influência do exterior. Acreditam que os aviões são brinquedos e que os zombies são pequenas flores amarelas. O único elemento com acesso à família é Christina, que visita regularmente a casa para apaziguar os impulsos sexuais do primogénito. Toda a família gosta dela, sobretudo a filha mais velha. Um dia, Christina oferece-lhe uma bandolete com pedras e pede-lhe algo em troca.