Alessandro Zanon


Three Floors
Em Roma, uma série de acontecimentos vai mudar radicalmente a vida dos moradores de um prédio, revelando suas dificuldades em ser pais, irmãos ou vizinhos, em um mundo onde a convivência parece ser pautada pelo medo e pelo ressentimento. Enquanto os homens estão presos por sua obstinação, as mulheres, cada uma à sua maneira, tentam consertar essas vidas fragmentadas para finalmente e serenamente transmitir um amor que pensavam ter perdido para sempre.
O rei do riso
O filme conta a história de Eduardo Scarpetta (Toni Servillo), uma lenda da comédia italiana. Tudo muda na vida do humorista quando ele encena uma paródia de La figlia di Iorio, uma tragédia escrita pelo maior poeta italiano da época, Gabriele D’Annunzio. Após a apresentação ser interrompida por vaias e assobios, Scarpetta acaba sendo processada por plágio pelo próprio D’Annunzio, sendo a primeira ação judicial sobre direitos autorais na Itália. Inspirado em acontecimentos reais.
In a respectable suburb made up of row houses, Luca Attorre — a freelance journalist who struggles to get his features published in the papers — is unable to maintain Susi, a ballerina reduced to teaching dance to overweight women, and Lucilla, their quiet and imaginative six-year- old daughter who suffers from severe bronchial asthma. They are helped economically by Pierpaolo, Luca’s seventeen-year-old son from a previous relationship. Pierpaolo lives in an Art Nouveau house with his mother and grandfather, an important trial lawyer of cases linked to politics who rakes in several million euros a year. In the setting of a magnificent and incomprehensible Rome, both a good mother and a bad one, Mary Ann, a deeply Catholic student of art history from Ireland, au pair for the little Lucilla, is caught in the middle.
In 1914, with Italy on the cusp of joining World War I, a commune of Scandinavian artists establishes itself on the rural island of Capri, a safe haven for dissidents and nonconformists from all over the world, like Russian exiles led by Maxim Gorky, preparing the upcoming revolution. Here, local shepherdess Lucia finds herself torn between Seybu, the charming leader of the commune, and Carlo, a young doctor.
The Order of Things
An immigration agent is torn between the job and his humanity.
I delitti del BarLume - La loggia del cinghiale
The Wild Boar Lodge - when a stag party ends with a murder Massimo finds himself the prime suspect.
I delitti del BarLume - Aria di mare
Sea Air - Massimo seeks help for his nightmares and depression. The uncles have it in for a blind choir conductor. Tizi find a dead body, which leads to Massimo and Vittoria, who wants her old job back.
I delitti del BarLume - Azione e reazione
Action Reaction - when a Russian patron collapses at the bar, poison is suspected and Vittoria closes them down until the source is found.
I delitti del BarLume - Il telefono senza fili
Chinese Whispers - a dead psychic is found in the trunk of a car and the uncles find briefcase full of dough ($).
I delitti del BarLume - La briscola in cinque
After finish his work Marchino finds the body of a teenager girl and goes to BarLume to call the police who don't believe him after his infamous past. Massimo goes to check and here starts a new story of BarLume.
O jovem fabuloso
Leopardi (o poeta italiano Giacomo Leopardi) é uma criança-prodígio, a crescer sob o olhar implacavelmente vigilante do seu pai, numa biblioteca a que chama casa. A sua mente corre livre mas a vida familiar aprisiona-o: é um leitor ávido mas o mundo está longe. Na Europa, está tudo a mudar, revoluções emergem e Giacomo procura desesperadamente o contacto com o exterior. Aos 24 anos, deixa finalmente Recanati e a alta sociedade abre-lhe as portas, mas o nosso rebelde não se adapta.
I delitti del BarLume - Il re dei giochi
The King of Games - when a car accident results in death, the uncles suspect fowl play and want to investigate. Massimo is asked by the detective covering the case to keep a watch on the uncles and prevent them from interfering in the investigation.Tiziana, Massimo's server, is having second thoughts about her upcoming marriage. Massimo figues it out and shares his theory with the Detective.
Um Herói Solitário
Imaginemos que existe uma nova ocupação, chamada “reposição”. Vamos imaginar também que existe um homem desempregado que a pratica diariamente. Ele não faz nada além de substituir, às vezes apenas por algumas horas, alguém que teve que se ausentar de seu emprego oficial. Ele se contenta com pouco, mas dinheiro não é tudo na vida: ainda existe a necessidade de manter-se em forma e não se deixar perder num momento de crise. Vamos imaginar que existe, também, um rapaz de 20 anos, seu filho, que toca o saxofone divinamente e tem muita sorte em ser um artista. E ainda há Lucia, que esconde um segredo por trás de seu desejo de subir na vida. Será que eles conseguirão chegar ao próximo capítulo sãos e salvos?
Habemus Papam
Após a morte do Papa, o Conclave reúne-se para eleger o seu sucessor. São necessárias várias votações até que se veja a fumaça branca no céu do Vaticano. Quando finalmente é eleito um cardeal, os fiéis amontoados na Praça São Pedro esperam em vão o novo soberano. O cardeal escolhido não parece pronto a suportar o peso de tal responsabilidade. Angústia? Depressão? Medo de não se sentir à altura? O mundo se inquieta, enquanto no Vaticano buscam-se soluções para superar a crise – entre elas o auxílio de um dos mais renomados psicanalistas da Itália.
A Matter of Heart
Garage owner Angelo and big-time film producer Alberto find themselves occupying neighbouring beds in a Rome hospital after suffering heart attacks. Alberto is a gregarious joker - and chain smoker - who has a strong effect on the impressionable Angelo. However, as one of the men's condition deteriorates, the other becomes more deeply involved in his personal life.
Fallen Heroes
Forty year-old Bruno Ledeux, seen sitting across from the doctor, gives the impression of a man who is no longer young but not yet old.Condemned to remain nothing more than a son, he begins his downward slide, as if a fog had shut him in a cage from which there is no escape. Bruno can never have children .He says nothing about this diagnosis to Anne, his beloved wife. Nor does he tell her about a large debt he has taken out. It is as if Bruno were a man without any qualities or talents. A mediocre man who has lost all pride. Though now everything appears hazy in his memory. Like a river that flows peacefully, showing no signs of the hidden currents at work below. But at times those currents can return to the surface. Without warning.
Signorina Effe
A white and a blue collar worker fall in love during the 1980 strike at FIAT that marked the end for labor movement in Italy.
Cose da pazzi
The Life I Want
A relationship develops between seasoned actor Stefano and his young, ambitious co-star Laura when they are cast as the two leads in a film. Stefano must deal with his growing jealousy when Laura's career begins to take off.
Renzo e Lucia
Loose adaptation of Italy's national epic, Alessandro Manzoni's “The Betrothed”. In war-torn 17th century Italy, shady feudal lord Don Rodrigo eyes young and beautiful Lucia, who loves—and is reciprocated by—commoner Renzo. The two lovers plan to marry in secret, but Rodrigo discovers it and they are forced to flee their village, becoming separated and each facing many dangers, includine the Plague.
A cavallo della tigre
Security guard Guido attempts a robbery to solve his financial problems, but he's double-crossed by Antonella, the younger showgirl he left his wife for, who runs off with the money while he gets arrested. In prison, Guido is forcefully involved in the escape plans of two lifers, an old Moroccan and a Turkish gangster. Once out, he plans to find Antonella, who has since become a TV reporter, but things get complicated...
Ritratti: Luigi Meneghello
Over the course of three days, Marco Paolini interviews Luigi Meneghello (1922-2007) about growing up under fascism, his involvement with the Italian resistance movement, his later self-exile, acclaimed literary work and its relationship with dialect.
Ritratti: Andrea Zanzotto
Marco Paolini discusses with poet Andrea Zanzotto (1921-2011) about three themes: Nature, History, and Language.
Ritratti: Mario Rigoni Stern
Over the course of three days, Marco Paolini interviews Mario Rigoni Stern (1921-2008) about – among other things – his renowned experience as a soldier on the Eastern front during WWII, culminating in the infamous retreat of the Italian troops, the difficult reintegration into civilian life after the war, his relationship with his literary work and the one with his ancestral land, the Asiago Plateau.
The Way We Laughed
Studying to become a teacher in 1950s Northern Italy, Sicilian immigrant Pietro is joined by his older brother Giovanni. While Giovanni is an illiterate worker, Pietro shows considerable promise in his field, prompting the elder sibling to take on even the toughest jobs in order to support his brother's academic pursuits.
Shooting the Moon
14-year-old Siddharta, wise beyond his age, has to deal every day with his heroin-addict mother Silvia and an absent father. One day, his four-year-old sister Domitilla accidentally pricks her finger on one of Silvia's used needles without her noticing. Seeking advice on the Internet, Siddharta is told to have her tested for hepatitis and AIDS. Thus he embarks on a odyssey of medical bureaucracy and both kind and uncaring adults.
L'estate di Davide
At 19, David has his diploma (the first in his family), a job at a car wash, and little else. His family is broke and argues constantly. So, unannounced, David leaves Turin for his uncle's farm in Polesine. Here he learns many life lessons over the course of a summer while hanging out with Bosnian drug dealer Alem and Patrizia, an older woman who's an addict.
Continuação de Caro Diário , essa comédia mostra fatos diversos que marcaram a vida de Nanni Moretti, focalizando as pressões sofridas pelo diretor num período muito especial. Prestes a ser pai pela primeira vez, ele vive entre as expectativas da paternidade e a indignação com a situação política da Itália, com a ascensão ao poder da extrema direita liderada por Silvio Berlusconi. Repleto de situações hilariantes, Aprile é um filme obrigatório para os fãs da comédia italiana.
With Closed Eyes
In the Tuscan countryside at the end of the 19th century, Pietro, the shy son of a tyrannical landowner, falls in love with Ghisola, a peasant girl with no family. His father has her sent away. Years later, the two meet again: still in love with her, Pietro would like to marry her, but she has become the mistress of a married man.
América - O Sonho de Chegar
Quando cai o comunismo na Albânia, dois italianos compram uma fábrica de sapatos, visando aproveitar o início de uma nova era para os negócios, mas cometem o erro de chamar um ex-preso político para assinar o contrato da empresa como testa-de-ferro.
The Great Pumpkin
An epileptic 12-year-old girl, Pippi, is hospitalized in the psychiatric ward instead of the neurological ward, due to an administration error. Out of this mistake begins the difficult journey towards being cured.
Sound Assistant
Uma Antígona destemida, recusando-se a permitir que o corpo de seu irmão assassinado Polinices seja devorado por abutres e cães, desafia o tirano Creonte ao enterrá-lo. Como punição, Creonte ordena que a filha rebelde de Édipo seja sepultada viva, para que não semeie a insurreição entre o povo.
Fantozzi to the Rescue
Fantozzi is now retired but continues to go to the office where it is held up as a fine example of employees intending to do career.
Black Sin
A companion piece to the earlier film ‘The Death of Empedocles’, 'Black Sin' is an adaptation of the third version of Friedrich Hölderlin’s play ‘Der Tod Des Empedokles’.
Too Beautiful to Die
The models of an agency are invited to a party by the owner of the agency, Alex. During the party, Alex is playing games in his computer and it looks like the girls have the house to themselves, but there's another guest…. and an accident happens - a fatal accident. This will start a string of murders - all those that were at that party begin to fall one by one. The police intervene, investigations are made, but the killer is like an elusive shadow…
Da grande
Marco, a nine year old boy, is in love with his elementary teacher, and feels neglected by his workaholic parents. When they forget about his birthday he wishes he could grow up at once. This really happens and Marco begins a new life as an adult. He rents a room in his teacher's flat and she falls in love with him. He even fakes a kidnapping when he runs out of money but he is mistaken for the kidnapper.
The Death of Empedocles
Sound Recordist
Film adaptation by Straub and Huillet of Hölderlin's 1798 tragedy on the symbolic death of Empedoclus, the legislator in Ancient Greece.
Five stories center on a werewolf, a feudal landlord, peasants, a ghost, and a mother and her sons.
Storia di Filomena e Antonio: Gli anni '70 e la droga a Milano
Sound Recordist
Documentary on the penetration of drugs in Milan in the 70s. Filomena is only 24 years old and recounts with a lucidity that takes her breath away her journey as a child locked up in boarding school, ran away from home, taken back by her family and treated as a lost woman. She talks about her marriage to a boy who emigrated to Germany, and her inability to adapt to this new situation. She narrates the arrival in Milan, the meeting with Antonio and the one with drugs. A dialogue for two voices traces the ruthless picture of drug addiction, the daily search for the dose and the attempts to get out of it. It is a poignant document, above all for the lucidity, measure, maturity and intelligence of two unforgettable figures.