Louise Botkay


As Polacas
A trama conta a história de Rebeca (Valentina Herszage), uma mulher judia que foge da Polônia em direção ao Brasil junto com seu filho, para reencontrar o marido e começar uma nova vida, em 1917. Quando chega ao Rio de Janeiro, Rebeca descobre que o marido faleceu e se vê em um país estranho, desamparada, sem lar e sem dinheiro. Ela se torna alvo de Tzvi (Caco Ciocler), um dono de bordel envolvido com tráfico de mulheres. A jovem, então, terá que lutar por sua liberdade.
O Circo Voltou
A trajetória de um dos maiores mestres circenses do Brasil, Zé Wilson, em regresso à sua cidade natal, no sertão de Alagoas, quando, junto de sua trupe, ele revisita a própria história e a história do circo no Brasil.
Tanto Faz
A couple in love. An adorable baby. Dear friends... and enchanting countryside. Perfect ingredients for an idyllic weekend that proves strangely unforgettable.
Vertieres I, II, III
The tenderness of the initial images presents young girls of a school class praying, in a chorus, verses that thank the Lord for “all the wonders performed”. The Battle of Vertières took place on November 18, 1803 in the former French colony Saint-Domingue, now Haïti, and resulted in the independence of the first free nation of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Mains propres
In the post-colonial era, poor countries remain subject to the same groups of nations that colonized them. Europe is at war, but without bluster. On the city streets, as well as in the countryside, everyone pretends not to know or not to remember that. There are international cooperations that “help” the poorest countries, leaving a fragrance of infinite dependency in the air. This film speaks of this dependence and also of the “white” desire to have the cliched image of extreme African poverty.
When least expected, the encounter happens and brings many dreams. A teenager gets iniciated in the misteries of haitinian voodoo.
When least expected, the encounter happens and brings many dreams. A teenager gets iniciated in the misteries of haitinian voodoo.
When least expected, the encounter happens and brings many dreams. A teenager gets iniciated in the misteries of haitinian voodoo.
When least expected, the encounter happens and brings many dreams. A teenager gets iniciated in the misteries of haitinian voodoo.
Inùtil Paisagem
In a musical mood shifted and carried by the figure of Bob Estrela, a city and a girl blend into solitude in urban areas.
A film by Louise Botkay.
Estou aqui
Um filme para Ehuana
A diretora Louise Botkay acompanha o cotidiano de Ehuana Yara Yanomami e sua família na comunidade Watorik, em Roraima.
Palma 11