The Plot of the movie runs around two Athlete Brothers who fall in the fastidious and lethal labyrinth of society. This movie justifies "Kingsman knows no kingship. Directed by Jatinder Mauhar and having great artists like Deep Sidhu, Guggu Gill, the movie perfectly depicts personal loss and demons within them.
Baseado na autobiografia, Dakkuan da Munda, o filme gira em torno dos altos e baixos na vida de Mintu Gurusariya, um famoso escritor e jornalista, enquanto ele cai no mundo das drogas e do crime.
Satwant Singh
Raj Kakra’s debut Punjabi movie “Kaum De Heere” is based on life of Bhai Beant Singh and Satwant Singh, who had assassinated Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Raj Kakra has sought support of the Sikh nation for this movie.