Koke Santa Ana

Koke Santa Ana

Nascimento : 1983-05-10, Viña del Mar, Chile


Koke Santa Ana


Un buen hombre
Rubén returns to live with his parents in the quiet town where he was born, after having studied film in Santiago. Accustomed to the city, he only thinks about returning. However, thanks to Romina he begins to fall in love with the place again.
Bus Driver
Desconectados é uma comédia familiar que conta a história de uma mulher divorciada de 42 anos que tem dois filhos e é viciada em internet. No dia em que está prestes a conseguir o emprego dos sonhos, uma tempestade solar destrói todos os satélites geoestacionários, e o mundo fica sem internet. Então ela tem que aprender a sobreviver offline e a se conectar com seus filhos.
Camila's Awakening
Camila is too used to triumph. Smart and beautiful, she managed to achieve every goal. Camila loves swimming and doesn't know failure. However the water, that has given her success in the recent past, now leads her to the biggest setback of her life: An accident will force Camila to reinvent herself with courage, humor and love.
Messi and Maud
Maud and Frank are on holiday in Chile. Their relationship is fragile and so is Maud. After many years of trying, it is now time to face the fact that they will never have children. However, Maud is in denial. After a huge fight with Frank she runs off and sets out on a road trip through Chile to get her life back on track.
Quarteto Amigo
Gustavo López está casado com Dolores há oito anos, tem um amigo de infância chamado Pedro que é casado com Camila e está com dificuldades financeiras. A confusão começa quando Gustavo chama Pedro e Camila para morar com eles por um tempo. Após uma noite regada a álcool, os quatro amigos decidem trocar de parceiros. Esta decisão irá abalar a amizade deles, e para piorar Dolores descobre estar grávida sem saber de fato é o pai de seu filho.
Lost North
Esteban travels northern Chile in search of Isabel. His journey takes him across the desolate towns and colorful characters she came across and becomes his own odyssey of self-discovery.
6 Hours: The End
A young man has a mere six hours to escape with his best friend from their hometown before a nuclear reactor explodes.
Leandro Martinez
A group of senior people will unite against the evil plan of a Spanish businessman who wants to get Chile out of Latin America to annex it to Europe.
El Evangelio de la gente sola
Jean Paul
Moments of the life of Pablo, whom at the age of 30 has set aside his dreams in favour of a bourgeois life, superficial and distant. However, this prefabricated life will be interrupted by his girlfriend Sandra, who refuses to accept the empty world that Pablo embraces.
Aguas milagrosas
A con man turns around the lives of a mother and her three children when a fake miracle becomes real.
As two families celebrate the engagement of their children, one of the lovers unearths a family secret.