Set in their family estate, Starve Acre, in rural 1970s England, Richard and Juliette find their idyllic family life disrupted when their son Ewan starts acting strangely. The formerly happy couple grow farther apart when Richard buries himself in local folklore -— including the myth that an ancient oak tree set on their estate possesses phenomenal powers — while Juliette seeks comfort in their local community. Just when it seems the couple may reconnect, dark and sinister forces find their way into the family home and their attention is diverted by an unexpected discovery.
O violento reinado de dois dos mais notórios gangsteres de Londres, Billy Hill (Leo Gregory) e Jack 'Spot' Comer (Terry Stone), a lendária ascensão e queda de um império criminoso que durou até a meados dos anos 50 e que abriu o caminho para o notório Kray Twins e The Richardsons
When Luke wakes up and finds a mutilated corpse in his bathroom, his life changes for ever. Stalked by a terrifying psychopathic serial killer, he has to place his trust in the hands of a smart but volatile female cop, Sam Cross. The secret they uncover shatters Luke s life and brings Sam face to face with demons from her tragic childhood..