Tomos Eames

Tomos Eames


Tomos Eames


In Margate, England, life is not easy for teenager Sarah Taylor, between being bullied at school, being exploited by a dominant boss and having to take care of her depressive mother and her two siblings. But Sarah finds a way to channel her growing despair and fight adversity when her drama teacher gives her a new purpose.
Through the eyes of our protagonist Ellis, who suffers in silence in a world which pounces on any form of perceived weakness, we consider the harmful effect of needing to conceal the truth from the people around you.
Orgulho e Esperança
Volunteer 1
Margaret Thatcher está no poder e o Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores Mineiros está em greve. Na Parada Gay de Londres, um grupo de ativistas gays e lésbicas decide arrecadar fundos para apoiar as famílias dos mineiros. Mas há um problema: o sindicato parece envergonhado de receber sua ajuda.