Oleg Kamenshchikov

Oleg Kamenshchikov

Nascimento : 1976-01-31, Krasnoyarsk, USSR (Russia)


Oleg Kamenshchikov
Oleg Kamenshchikov


Evgeniy Onegin lives in grand style: balls, receptions, theater premieres and other frivolities the capital can offer a young man. But social life has long tired him, so he perceives the news of the illness of his uncle living in the village as an opportunity to escape. However, having reached the estate, Onegin learns about the death of a relative, which, however, does not upset Evgeniy too much. His financial affairs are very sad, and his uncle is rich and has no other heirs. Onegin locks himself in the estate, living in aimless solitude until the owner, who has returned from abroad, appears at the neighboring estate – a young, enthusiastic Vladimir Lenskiy, not yet satiated with life, who introduces Evgeniy to sisters Tatyana and Olga Larin.
The story of a simple sailor of the Northern Fishing Fleet, who dreams of ending his naval career, since his life at sea seems unreal to him, illusory. He is going to go ashore, marry and settle on the ground. To heal. But nothing comes out. He is forced to sail again. An adventure cinema begins with a large number of twists and turns: the strongest storm, a hole in the board, a haul pulling the ship to the bottom. The trawler practically sinks and at this moment receives the SOS signal from a foreign ship in distress. The main character manages to convince the rest of the crew to come, risking themselves, to help foreign sailors. Thanks to this act, the team - a gathering of sea wolves, practically pirates - has a feeling of meaningfulness of their own lives.
In the Name of a Prank 2
The second part of a comedy about a blogger who has to hide within the walls of a monastery from punishment on charges of insulting the feelings of believers.
In the Name of a Prank
YouTube star Dima causes outrage among Christians. To hide from the police and activists, he goes undercover as a pope in a small church. One month without communication, surrounded by monks, will change his life.
In the Name of a Prank
YouTube star Dima causes outrage among Christians. To hide from the police and activists, he goes undercover as a pope in a small church. One month without communication, surrounded by monks, will change his life.
Anya is spending the evening in her loved one’s company when her husband suddenly appears.
We Are Meant
Oleg lives a completely closed life, maybe his state of mind has a medical term, but he grew up in a small town, where such problems does not matter. Oleg directs his disorder to the painstaking work of assembling watches. The orderliness of a guy’s life allows him to maintain a delicate balance between his illness and reality. Next door, a girl Katya lives. On the contrary she strictly opposes order and regularity. These contradictions come close and create chaos.
Ice Hole
All day long the TV shows an ice-hole. Ice-holes are the theme of the day, a winter tradition that unites believers and sportsmen, stars and walruses, the president and the unemployed. In the centre of the news reports are the topics of Baptism, fishing and the criminal chronicle. The president and a pike, the artist and the crit- ics, the oligarch and the law enforcement team – they all meet at an ice- hole in search of solutions for their problems. The jobless Muscovite, with bad habits, dives down an ice-hole for a wife, just like Sadko. The fairy- tale plots intertwine with documentary context, and it is no longer clear where reality ends. Remember Nietzsche: if you long gaze into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you.
O Idiota
Dima Nikitin é um encanador simples e honesto que trabalha em uma pequena cidade russa. Exceto por sua integridade incomum, nada o faz se destacar da multidão, até que uma noite, em um dormitório ocupado principalmente por bêbados e marginais, os canos estouram, colocando em risco os ocupantesrús. Todo mundo precisa ser imediatamente evacuado, mas ninguém se importa. Nikitin, então, parte em uma odisséia durante toda a noite para combater um sistema de burocratas corruptos e tentar resolver o problema do dormitório.
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Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny
Rafshan and Dzhumzhud, migrant workers from Nubarashen, illegally come to Moscow, where the team leader Leonid received an order for super-expensive repairs from one oligarch. Having lost in the capital the “nationalist”, Rafshan and Dzhumzhud are trying to find and save him, wreaking havoc and destruction everywhere. But in the most hopeless situation, fate turns to guest workers - Rafshan and Dzhumzhud learn a terrible secret that will change everything ...
A perfect bank heist turns deadly when the robbers and their hostages flee to the abandoned underground subway station where they encounter the Trackman, a deformed madman that prowls the darkness.
Winter Romance
Nina Petrovna and Yegor Ilyich have been living in urban apartments with children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren, who, however, have no desire to reckon with the interests of their elderly relatives. But one day there comes a time when old people have to leave home. An accidental acquaintance in a bistro - and instead of despondently complaining about each other's fate, they leave to live at Yegor Ilyich’s dacha. The children of both, joining forces, are trying to put their "romantic" pensioners in their place ...