Having lived in Moscow for many years, successful political consultant Aldar returns to his home in Kalmykia to search for his mother who disappeared in the Steppe. He finds her with the help of the local shaman, and together they make the journey that they didn’t have time to take when she was still alive.
Summer. Village. Yakutia. A single mother moves to a big city in search of a better life and leaves her deaf-mute teenage son with his grandmother. The grandmother tries to improve relations with her grandson, but he does not accept her and misses his mother. The gift given by the grandmother changes everything. The deaf-mute guy begins to communicate with the world through the lens of the camera.
A melhor esgrimista de sabre do mundo, Alexandra Pokrovskaya, é famosa, rica e feliz. Para entrar na história, ela só precisa dar um último passo: conquistar o ouro olímpico. Porém, seu caminho cruza o de Kira Egorova, uma garota provinciana de dezenove anos, que conquista Moscou da noite para o dia. Kira vence todas as competições e não sai das capas de revistas, ocupando o lugar de Pokrovskaya. Um confronto feroz começa, não apenas em torneios, mas também na vida real. As duas garotas são obcecadas pela vitória, e parece que nada pode detê-las. O mundo inteiro, com a respiração suspensa, observa o brilho de suas lâminas afiadas. E cada vez fica mais óbvio: esta luta está indo longe demais.
Mikhail is 59 years old, and for more than 30 years he works at the motor transport enterprise, where he also lives in a self-made workshop. He has a beloved pregnant daughter, a hobby to draw paintings and a favourite car of a heavenly color. Natasha, a warehouse keeper, offers him a deal: to hand over the waste metal stored at the warehouse to the scrap metal reception center and divide the money. Mikhail takes pity on Natasha and agrees. On the road to the reception center he gets stopped by the police. In order to avoid litigation, Mikhail asks the director of the company not to file a theft report. The director agrees but fires Mikhail anyway. Now he’s left homeless and unemployed…
Gor está tentando voar para a Armênia a partir de Moscou para procurar por sua família presa num terremoto. Uma vez lá, Gor corre pelo que sobrou da cidade em busca de sua pequena casa. No caminho, ele conhece vários personagens, cada um deles com sua tragédia e desafio pessoal. Os habitantes se esforçam para encontrar seus entes queridos - vivos ou mortos, onde os mortos são quase tão bons quanto vivos porque isso significa que as pessoas podem obter um enterro adequado. Os médicos tentam ajudar aqueles que sobreviveram, trabalhando dia e noite apesar da falta de medicamentos e realizando cirurgias com os materiais disponíveis. Soldados e voluntários arriscam suas vidas para limpar os escombros. Como Gor não desiste de procurar por sua família, sua esposa e sua filha pequena ainda estão vivas sob os escombros. Mas enquanto houver amor, há esperança.
Kostya and his friends are young and love playing street football. Kostya dreams of playing professionally, but cannot bring himself to approach the coach. His girlfriend, Nastya, shares his dream, but street football is Kostya’s life, and the outdoor pitch is akin to a second home, a place for friends to meet and play.
Elza, a mulher do pescador, vive em uma cidade costeira na Calmúquia, no sul da Rússia. Ela quer deixar o marido, mas tem medo das incertezas. Até que ele morre inesperadamente. Elza, então, decide recomeçar e passa a questionar sua maneira de ver a vida, a felicidade e a liberdade.
Anna has a sweetheart and a beloved mother. An insane attachment to the mother, who doesn't want to let her daughter go, prevents her from a relationship whit the man, and gives her no chance to lead an independent life.
Vanya, a young scientist, has spent all his life in a satellite town next to one of the biggest nuclear stations. Just like his parents, Vanya works at the nuclear station, but only because his girlfriend, Tanya, also works in the facility. When the ambitious Tanya decides to end their relationship, Vanya must find his resolve and steer himself to true love.
A portrait of modern-day Moscow seen through the eyes of five women: a lawyer, a merchandiser, an interpreter, a marketing expert, and an actress.
A Zarezin (Sergei Shnurov) é confiada uma tarefa incomum no circo onde ele trabalha. Ele terá de levar a estrela do circo, Bodhi o elefante, para um matadouro. Na viagem, Zarezin tenta salvar o elefante, e, no processo, salva-se a si mesmo.
Performing the traditional New Year's call on the unknown phone number Andrey didn't even suspected, that just after his return to Moscow, he had bought a magic starting pack of cellular communications operator. Getting through to the deserted in New Year's eve Alyona, Andrey almost falls in love with her, but there exists a temporal problem. Alyona is celebrating coming 2008 year and Andrey is going to meet 2009. Trying "to set a contact" with Alyona's «future variant» he comes to know the terrible truth about the events, that appended in the end of 2008. Now the main goal of Andrey and all his friends - to prevent the awful tragedy and to turn into reality the meeting of Alyona and Andrey...
After a failed marriage, Masha retreats to the sanctuary of her humble profession as a translator of serious literature. Financial difficulties force her to accept an offer to interpret during a seminar held by an English puppeteer.
Это – новогодняя комедия-сказка. Невероятно веселая и очень добрая. Хотя ее посещают вампиры и даже призраки, она совершенно не страшная. Потому что наш вампир боится крови, а призрак – слишком застенчив, чтобы кого-то напугать. Героине с прекрасным именем Елена в новогоднюю ночь предстоит пройти нелегкие испытания, чудесным образом получить Сокровище и встретить настоящую любовь. В этой истории, пожалуй, нет ни одного категорически кровожадного злодея. А девушка, чистая сердцем, победит и грабителей, и злые чары… Итак. Москва. На заснеженной автобусной остановке ветер треплет разрезные полоски объявления. Девушка ежится от холода, прикрывает нос яркой варежкой, читает: "Требуется бесстрашный и чистый сердцем человек на работу сменной продавщицей. Опыт работы не обязателен. Вознаграждение практически гарантировано." Внимательно перечитав дважды, она решительно отрывает объявление целиком…
Upon learning of his wife’s romance with a rich nouveau riche, the computer scientist Gleb leaves, taking his young son. Trying to prove to her and to himself that he, too, can achieve quick success, Gleb decides on a dangerous adventure. Having found an old acquaintance, a former teddy bear, Gleb begins to take mastery lessons from that ... But this is not even about this film. Love will be the main thing that the hero will gain in this whole story. And she will meet her not in her native Moscow, but in Yaroslavl ...
Masha, who works for a radio station, and Maxim, a street sweeper with an architectural degree, cross paths with each other when they are at an indecisive point in their lives.