Greg Canestrari

Greg Canestrari


Greg Canestrari


Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace
When an Iraq War veteran receives a calling from a higher power, he embarks on a mission to stop a fallen angel from raising an army of the dead to take over the world.
Paris, Wine & Romance
Travis Ricci
Isabella is the ambitious new owner of her family’s Oregon winery whose dream of becoming world-renowned takes a big step forward when she enters a prestigious wine competition in Paris. Upon arrival, Isabella meets her biggest competitor, Jacques, from one of the world’s foremost winemaking families. Impressed by Isabella and her expertise in wine, a budding romance develops between them.
Holt Farrier é uma ex-estrela de circo que retorna da guerra e encontra seu mundo virado de cabeça para baixo. O circo em que trabalhava está passando por grandes dificuldades, e ele fica encarregado de cuidar de um elefante recém-nascido, cujas orelhas gigantes fazem dele motivo de piada. No entanto, os filhos de Holt descobrem que o pequeno elefante é capaz de uma façanha enorme: voar.
Stan & Ollie - O Gordo e o Magro
Stan's Lawyer
Conta a história real de uma das maiores duplas de comediantes de todos os tempos, Laurel e Hardy. Os dois embarcaram em uma longa jornada em sua turnê pela Grã-Bretanha, em 1953, buscando colocar suas carreiras novamente nos holofotes, mesmo com o mundo ainda abalado pelos efeitos da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
A man wrongfully accused of murder forms an unlikely partnership on his release and attempts to uncover the truth behind his wife's death...
Leona Calderon
Leona Calderon is a retiring altruistic music lover earning her living cleaning establishments and private homes. Having a fun loving nature she is fancied by her landlord who dreams of dancing with her to her favorite tune. Another admirer is a homeless man who gets endears by her jolly disposition and not by her loose pennies for a can of lager. She befriends an isolated elderly English lady, a migrant worker with no visa and a charitable middle age woman. As a breadwinner she looks forward to her much awaited retirement which is now doomed following a diagnoses of cancer. The island where she comes from where she plans to spend her life with her family becomes just a dream. She now faces a dilemma between losing her hard earned savings to medical expenses or losing the time with her family if she spends her retirement in a country where her treatment is free. Leona's wit and fun nature will make you smile, laugh and cry. What happens to this happy lady in this funny world?