Alex Miranda Cruz

Alex Miranda Cruz


Alex Miranda Cruz


O Mundo Perdido: Jurassic Park
Barge Captain's Son
Passaram quatro anos desde o desastre no Parque Jurássico, e dois grupos estão numa corrida contra o tempo que irá determinar o destino dos habitantes pré-históricos da ilha remota.
Clubhouse Detectives
J.J. Jimenez
Late one night, Billy and Kade Ruckman see their neighbor, Michael Chambers, murder a woman, but Chambers has a story all set to convince their mother Vicky, that it was just a rehearsal scene from an opera. The only ones who can help them find the body in Chambers' house before he moves and gets rid of all evidence, are their friends, Jimmy, Eddie, and J.J., who are determined to find the body before Chambers finds them.