Igor Statsenko

Igor Statsenko

Nascimento : 1963-08-16,


Igor Statsenko


Smack Dab Kakha
Kakha fell for the beautiful Sophia, but in order to get to her heart, he needed to overtake the brand new BMW Ruslan on his “penny” and score a friendship with Sergo. What will Kakh choose - love or friendship?
O Fantasma Vermelho
No inverno de 1941, a lenda de um sniper desconhecido que caça nazistas corre pelos pequenos vilarejos russos ocupados. Um soldado que atravessava as linhas inimigas sem ser visto e que, sem nome, seria conhecido como Fantasma Vermelho.
Последствия войны
Hozyain parikmaherskoy
Naughty Grandma
chief of the police station
A swindler on the lam uses his impersonating skills to pose as a grandmother in a nursing home, where his disguise complicates his love life.
Round and Round
Big boss
Anna is a common office girl in a relationship with her married chief. One day Anna meets another man but what will it take her to escape from the iterative life cycle?
Seven Others Me
Alexandra meets her birthday with her family. Today, only the closest people are around. Why is it usually the most difficult with them?
The Second World War is over. But after each war the human destinies are left. This film is about two of them. The former officer of the Wehrmacht. The former prisoner of the Nazi concentration camp.
The Russian Singer
When a secretary at the Danish embassy in Russia dies in suspicious circumstances, the local police seem determined to close the case. But diplomat Jack Anderson, who has been brought in to observe, falls for a beautiful singer with ties to the murder and begins his own investigation.