Georges Périnal

Georges Périnal

Nascimento : 1897-01-01, Paris, France

Morte : 1965-04-23


Georges Périnal


O Dia em Que Roubaram o Banco da Inglaterra
Director of Photography
Na Londres de 1901, três homens em missão pelo IRA planejam roubar todo o ouro contido nos depósitos do Banco da Inglaterra.
Oscar Wilde
Director of Photography
England, 1891. Ascending writer Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) meets Lord Alfred Douglas, a young nobleman. Over the years, they will maintain an intimate relationship that will be openly criticized by Alfred's father, the Marquis of Queensberry, in such a harsh way that Wilde, instigated by Alfred, decides to sue Queensberry in 1895, accusing him of defamation.
Ainda Uma Vez, Com Emoção
Director of Photography
The wife of brilliant, but boisterous and ill-tempered conductor of the London Symphony puts up with his childishness, but the last straw is drawn when he begins an affair with a young pianist.
O Pequeno Polegar
Director of Photography
Uma comédia musical adaptada do clássico conto dos irmãos Grimm, onde um certo dia um lenhados poupa uma árvore especial e a Rainha da Floresta, em sinal de agradecimento concede-lhe uma preciosa dádiva: um filho, uma vez que o casal de lenhadores há muito ansiavam ter mas sem resultados. Esse filho, porém, era tão pequenino tão pequenino que tinha o tamanho de um polegar! O protagonista (Russ Tamlyn, um bailarino que já havia atuado em 'Sete Noivas Para Sete Irmãos' com 24 anos interpreta uma criança. Gorge Pal, com o grande sucesso deste filme, conseguiu realizar a produção considerado o melhor filme de sua carreira: 'A Máquina do Tempo - The Time Machine' (1960), adaptação da obra de H.G. Wells. Agora remasterizado direto do negativo original e dublado em português, O Pequeno Polegar, é uma raridade inédita, é imprescindível à história do cinema e para os fãs do gênero.
Bom Dia, Tristeza
Director of Photography
Cecile é uma jovem inconsequente vive com seu rico pai playboy, Raymond, numa bela villa do Mediterrâneo. Quando Anne, uma antiga namorada de Raymond, vem para a villa, Cecile tem medo de que seu modo de vida esteja em perigo. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Um Rei em Nova York
Director of Photography
Um rei é deposto de seu país e foge para os Estados Unidos. Lá é recebido com grandes festas. O ex-ministro acaba fugindo com o dinheiro do país. O rei não sabe, mas ao desembarcar em Nova York, está pobre. Faz imagem de rico, mas para se sustentar, é obrigado a aceitar o primeiro trabalho que encontra: Garoto de propaganda. Ao visitar uma escola, o rei acaba conhecendo um garoto que prega idéias revolucionárias e socialistas e que tem os pais presos. O rei, no início, não gosta muito do garotinho, pois ele fala demais, mas depois o encontra na rua e o leva para casa. Mais confusão, já que podem pensar que o garoto socialista tem algo a ver com o rei.
Santa Joana
Director of Photography
Young Joan of Arc comes to the palace in France to make The Dauphin King of France and is appointed to head the French Army. After winning many battles she is not needed any longer and soon she is thought of as a witch.
Loser Takes All
Director of Photography
Bertrand, an accountant employed by a large London firm, is called to the office of the Managing Director, Dreuther, to explain a mistake in the accounts. Dreuther is highly impressed by the young accountant's skilful explanation of the error and, hearing that Bertrand is soon to marry his spirited young fiancée, tells him to spend the honeymoon not in Bournemouth, but Monte Carlo at the company s expense! However, events in the fabulous Mediterranean paradise do not work out quite as Bertrand had envisaged...
Satellite in the Sky
Director of Photography
A bomb dooms the first space satellite, manned by a selfless crew, a stowaway reporter (Lois Maxwell) and a mad scientist (Donald Wolfit).
La herida luminosa
Director of Photography
Dr. Henry Mills a very renowned cardiac specialist, disagrees with his wife, because of their religious beliefs, and more particularly because it encourages his son Ernesto to follow the priesthood. Mills is unfaithful to his wife, Isabel. She knows her husband's betrayal, and he secretly decides to separate, without sharing the marital bed, but keeping a secret from society.
Three Cases of Murder
Director of Photography
Three stories of murder and the supernatural: A museum worker is introduced to a world behind the pictures he sees every day. When two lifelong friends fall in love with the same woman and she is killed, they are obvious suspects. Is their friendship strong enough for them to alibi each other? When a young politician is hurt by the arrogant Secretary for Foreign Affairs Lord Mountdrago, he uses Mountdrago's dreams to get revenge.
The Man Who Loved Redheads
Director of Photography
Framed in flashback, The Man Who Loved Redheads is an anecdotal comedy about a man (John Justin) whose life is defined by his first romantic experience. That liaison occurred in Justin's youth, when the young man matures and enters the diplomatic world, he spends the rest of his career searching for his first love.
The House in the Square
Director of Photography
Atomic scientist Peter Standish travels back in time to 1784, an era he has read about in his forefather's diaries. He falls in love with his forefather's cousin Helen but his contemporaries of 1784 are perplexed by his strange talk and the odd knowledge he possess.
Na Estrada do Céu
Director of Photography
Um engenheiro aeronáutico prevê que um novo modelo de avião falhará catastroficamente e de uma maneira inédita após um número específico de horas de voo. James Stewart interpreta o engenheiro aeronáutico Theodore Honey, o protótipo de um professor: distraído, excêntrico, esquecido, mas brilhante. Seus estudos mostram que a aeronave que está sendo fabricada por seu empregador tem uma falha de design sutil, mas mortal, que se manifesta apenas após a aeronave ter voado um determinado número de horas. A caminho de um local de acidente para provar sua teoria, Honey descobre que está a bordo de um avião que se aproxima rapidamente do prazo mortal previsto.
My Daughter Joy
Director of Photography
A financier plots to become the richest man in the world by marrying off his daughter to the son of an Arab sheik.
El señorito Octavio
Director of Photography
The Forbidden Street
Director of Photography
In Victorian London, young Adelaide is born into luxury, but marries starving artist Henry. His alcoholism and their lack of money lead to many quarrels. During one such fight, Henry slips down a flight of stairs and dies. A neighbor, Mrs. Mounsey, is the only witness, and she blackmails the young widow by threatening to tell the cops that Adelaide killed her husband. Luckily, lawyer Gilbert swoops in to help Adelaide.
O Ídolo Caído
Director of Photography
Um mordomo que trabalha em uma embaixada estrangeira em Londres torna-se o principal suspeito quando sua esposa cai acidentalmente e morre. A única testemunha é um menino impressionável. Philippe, filho de um diplomata e bom amigo de Baines, o mordomo, confunde-se com as complexidades e evasões da vida adulta. Ele tenta manter segredos, mas acaba dizendo a eles. Ele mente para proteger seus amigos, mesmo sabendo que deve dizer a verdade. Ele resolve não ouvir mais as histórias de adultos quando Baines é suspeito de assassinar sua esposa e ninguém vai ouvir as informações vitais de Philippe. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Um Marido Ideal
Director of Photography
A prominent politician is preparing to expose a financial scandal. But then a woman who has invested heavily in the shady venture threatens to uncover a damaging secret in the politician's past if he exposes the speculation as a fraud. His problem is compounded by his wife's intolerance of the slightest character flaws.
A Man About the House
Director of Photography
Handsome Italian laborer Kieron Moore works as caretaker of the Neopolitan villa inherited by plain-Jane Englishwomen Margaret Johnston and Dulcie Gray. Johnston is swept off her feet by the raffishly charming Moore, and before long they are wed.
Longe dos Olhos
Director of Photography
After World War II service changes them, a married couple dread their postwar reunion.
Coronel Blimp - Vida e Morte
Director of Photography
Clive Candy V.C. lutou na Guerra dos Boers (África do Sul) e na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Ele ainda acredita que pode vencer qualquer luta com honra e mantendo uma "Conduta Cavalheiresca". Ele têm um velho amigo alemão para mostrar o quanto as regras foram alteradas quando lutando contra os nazistas. Seguimos este senhor delicioso através de sua vida e da busca de seus diversos ideais.
Por Um Ideal
Director of Photography
No final dos anos 20, o designer da aeronaves R.J. Mitchell sente que alcançou tudo o que quer com seus revolucionários aviões monoplanos. Ganhou troféu depois de troféu. Mas um feriado na Alemanha logo após Hitler assumir o poder o convence de que é vital projetar um tipo completamente novo de avião de combate e que, mais cedo ou mais tarde, a própria sobrevivência da Grã-Bretanha pode depender do que ele vem a chamar de Spitfire.
Our Film
Director of Photography
A British factory is inefficient because of pre-war rules and red tape. A Soviet trades union representative shows workers and management the value of unity.
Dangerous Moonlight
Director of Photography
Stefan Radetzky, a Polish pilot and famous concert pianist, is hospitalised in England from injuries sustained while in combat, and having lost his memory. As Radetzky plays the piano in a trance-like state, the story moves back in time to war-torn Warsaw. During an air-raid, Radetzky meets American journalist Carole, and there is a mutual attraction. Following the fall of Poland, Radetzky and Irish pilot, Mike, escape to Rumania and then on to America. Radetzky continues his musical career in America and meets up again with Carole.
Old Bill and Son
Director of Photography
Old Bill has grumbled his way through the trenches of the First World War. Now it is the Second and, envious of his son, Young Bill, he decides to enlist. He finally enters the Pioneer Corps, which is based near his son. When Young Bill goes missing during a raid, Old Bill shows that there's still life in the old dog yet!
O Ladrão de Bagdá
Director of Photography
Menino ladrão das ruas de Bagdá ajuda jovem sultão deposto do trono por feiticeiro a recuperar o poder. Para isso conta com a ajuda de um gênio mágico que lhe concede três desejos.
As Quatro Penas Brancas
Director of Photography
Um tímido oficial do exército britânico renuncia à seu posto na véspera de seu destacamento ser enviado contra rebeldes egípcios. Chamando-o de covarde, sua namorada e três amigos oficiais lhe dão 4 penas brancas como símbolo de seu ato. Então o oficial britânico procura resgatar sua honra, ajudando secretamente seus antigos camaradas. Quando sua unidade é vencida e capturada pelos rebeldes, nosso herói, disfarçado de árabe, encontra uma oportunidade de tentar libertar cada um deles e assim poder devolver as 'penas' da covardia recebidas de seus antigos camaradas.
Prison Without Bars
Director of Photography
Suzanne, Renee, Nina and Marta all hate being in prison, being slapped and treated badly, and so all the girls are trying to escape. Madame Appel just causes chaos all the time, with her harsh manners. When Yvonne with her free-thinking ways is put in charge of the school for misbehaving girls, and asks them to tell her their complaints, they don't believe her at first. Yvonne is in love and about to marry the establishment's doctor, and it does not help that one teenage girl falls for him - and is corresponded. It's a hard life for the girls, and for the new female warden.
The Challenge
Director of Photography
Dramatization of the first climbing of the Matterhorn in 1865.
The Squeaker
Director of Photography
London's jewel thieves are under the thumb of a mysterious fence, who ruthlessly exposes any thief who crosses him. Desperate, Scotland Yard re-hires ex-Inspector Barrabal who, as a known drunkard, is ideally suited to go undercover with a faked criminal record (which may spoil his chances with lovely Carol Stedman).
Jornada Sinistra
Director of Photography
Madeline Goddard, is a British double agent who meets and falls in love with a German spy Baron Karl Von Marwitz during World War I. This tale of espionage blends high adventure and romance making perfect order from wartime chaos and growing in faith from despair.
Under the Red Robe
Director of Photography
In 1620s France, dreaded swordsman Gil de Berault returns from carrying out a mission for Cardinal Richelieu, and finds the Cardinal worried about growing opposition from the Huguenots in the south. The Cardinal also warns de Berault that dueling has been outlawed, and will henceforth be punishable by death. Gil, however, promptly disobeys the law and is indeed sentenced to death. The Cardinal offers to cancel the sentence if de Berault is able to capture the duke who is organizing plans for an uprising. Gil travels to the duke's castle and is allowed to stay as a guest, but the duke's wife and sister immediately suspect that he is a spy. He and his servant still make good progress, until he falls in love with the duke's sister, which complicates everything.
Director of Photography
This character study joins the painter at the height of his fame in 1642, when his adored wife suddenly dies and his work takes a dark, sardonic turn that offends his patrons. By 1656, he is bankrupt but consoles himself with the company of pretty maid Hendrickje, whom he's unable to marry. Their relationship brings ostracism but also some measure of happiness. The final scenes find him in his last year, 1669, physically enfeebled but his spirit undimmed.
Daqui a Cem Anos
Director of Photography
Baseado na obra de H.G. Wells, narra cem anos de história da humanidade, de 1930 até o século XXI. Esse período é atravessado por guerras que duram décadas, uma peste que aniquila metade da população e a reconstrução da civilização em busca do espaço sideral.
Sanders of the River
Director of Photography
A British District Officer in Nigeria in the 1930s rules his area strictly but justly. He struggles with gun-runners and slavers with the aid of a loyal native chief.
A Rainha Imortal
Director of Photography
The woman who will become Catherine the Great marries into the Russian royal family when she weds Grand Duke Peter, the nephew of Empress Elizabeth. Although the couple has moments of contentment, Peter's cruel and erratic behavior causes a rift between him and Catherine. Mere months after Peter succeeds his aunt as the ruler of Russia, a revolt is brewing, and Catherine is poised to ascend to the throne as the country's new empress.
Os Amores de Henrique VIII
Director of Photography
Renowned for his excess, King Henry VIII goes through a series of wives during his rule. With Anne Boleyn, his second wife, executed on charges of treason, King Henry weds maid Jane Seymour, but that marriage also ends in tragedy. Not one to be single for long, the king picks German-born Anne of Cleves as his bride, but their union lasts only months before an annulment is granted, and King Henry continues his string of spouses.
The Girl from Maxim's
Director of Photography
A Doctor tries to pass off a singer as his wife in Paris in 1904.
La Dame de chez Maxim's
Director of Photography
Dr. Lucien Petypon is usually a serious man, but, drawn by his friend Corignon, he once paints the town red at Maxim's. When he wakes up late the next morning, he finds the scantily clad Môme Crevette, a dancer at the famous Paris restaurant, by his side. It is the moment General Petypon du Grêlé, Lucien's rich uncle, chooses to make an unexpected visit. The good doctor has no other choice but to pass Crevette off as his lawful wife.
14 de Julho
Director of Photography
Um romance leve e cômico sobre um motorista de táxi chamado Jean e uma florista chamada Anna que acontece em Paris durante a celebração do dia da Bastilha em 14 de julho.
Dainah the Mixed
Director of Photography
Shades of Othello loom in this engrossing exploration of class, race, and murder set on an ocean liner. Young Dainah encounters an engineer onboard who mistakes pleasantries for flirtation. When she disappears the next day, suspicion spreads not only to the engineer but also to Dainah's husband.
The Chocolate Girl
Director of Photography
A bureaucratic civil servant is annoyed by the spoiled daughter of a rich chocolate maker, but lands up marrying her.
Sangue de um Poeta
Director of Photography
Um artista sem nome é transportado através de um espelho para outra dimensão, onde ele viaja através de diversos cenários bizarros. História contada em quatro episódios.
A Nós a Liberdade
Director of Photography
Sátira sobre dois ex-presidiários, um dos quais consegue progredir de vendedor a dono de uma fábrica, onde percebe que os operários são reduzidos a autômatos.
Scent of the Woman in Black
Director of Photography
The story takes place on the Riviera, where the title character may or may not be involved in various shades of skullduggery, including murder.
O Milhão
Director of Photography
Endividado, um rapaz vende seu casaco, com um bilhete premiado no bolso. Desesperado atrás do bilhete, subirá até em um palco de Ópera.
David Golder
Director of Photography
David is a poor but ambitious Polish Jew who reinvents himself as a powerful New York business magnate. After gaining wealth, he relocates to Paris, only to have his selfish and demanding wife squander his fortune.
Sob os Tetos de Paris
Director of Photography
Triângulo amoroso entre um cantor de rua que, após ser detido por engano, briga com seu melhor amigo, que lhe roubou a amante. Tudo é pretexto para mostrar um retrato da Paris dos anos 30, numa comédia agridoce, pontuada por diversas canções de sucesso.
The New Gentlemen
Director of Photography
The plot focuses on Gaillac (Albert Prejean), an electrician employed by the Paris Opera. In love with gorgeous ballerina Suzanne (Gaby Morlay), Gaillac must play second fiddle to Suzanne's wealthy "protector," powerful politician Count Montoire (Henry Roussell). When the Opera personnel go on strike, Gaillac is appointed leader of the strikers, doing his job so well that he is ultimately elected Secretary of Labor in the French cabinet. Now on equal footing with Montoire, Gaillac is at last a "worthy" suitor for Suzanne -- who can't make up her mind between her two well-connected admirers, leading to a political rivalry the likes of which Paris has never seen. This harmless political satire ended up being banned by the French government for undermining "the dignity of Parliament and its ministers". (
La Tour
Director of Photography
A poetic documentary tribute to the famous Eiffel tower, built for the 1889 World Fair and intended to have been destroyed 20 years later. A vocal subset of Parisians (among which, one may surmise, Clair would've been counted) insisted the Tower remain above the River Seine, a continued display of French engineering excellence. Clair makes strategic use of double exposures and dissolves, capturing the mechanical exuberance of the Tower; The great swooping steel latticework edifice a bounding symbol of the modern age.
Six and a Half, Eleven
Director of Photography
A renowned doctor and his brother live and work together until the brother falls in love with Marie, a singer, and gives up medicine to be with her. After a time however, she misses her old life and goes back on the stage - an act which leads her lover to commit suicide. Later the doctor and Marie also meet, and she becomes his mistress. He finds out about his brother's suicide and goes through his artifacts looking for a clue as to what might have been the cause. He finds a photograph of Marie and realizes the truth, which decimates their relationship.
Director of Photography
This early documentary by director Jean Grémillon highlights the textures and architectural details of the great Gothic cathedral at Chartres.
Lighting Director
The story of the fighter plane and pilots that helped win the Battle of Britain in World War II