Barry McCarthy

Barry McCarthy


Barry McCarthy


Christmas Carole
Commercial Old Man
Carole Mackay is an unashamedly outspoken and wealthy entrepreneur. Her online business selling all things festive has earned her a fortune, as well as the nickname 'Christmas Carole'. But her success hasn't made her a better human being. In fact, it's made her worse. The truth is that Carole is a monumentally mean person. Positively Scrooge-like. And, just like Ebeneezer, she doesn't love Christmas at all. But this Christmas Eve, Carole's past, present and future are about to collide. Will some rather familiar Christmas spirits help her discover the true spirit of Christmas?
London Road
London Road is a musical drama that documents the events of 2006, when the quiet rural town of Ipswich was shattered by the discovery of the bodies of five women. The residents of London Road had struggled for years with frequent soliciting and kerb-crawling on their street. When a local resident was charged and then convicted of the murders, the community grappled with what it meant to be at the epicentre of this tragedy.
Love at First Sight
It's never to late for a love at first sight. Especially when you are in your 70's.
Notas Sobre um Escândalo
Barbara Covett é uma professora veterena de St. George que fica amiga de Sheba Hart, a nova e carismática professora de artes da escola. Barbara descobre que a amiga está tendo um caso com um aluno e se torna a guardiã desse segredo explosivo.
Fábrica de Sonhos
Um encontro acidental com um travesti cantor de cabaré deixa o jovem Charlie Price inspirado. Agora, o rapaz que assumiu a fábrica de sapatos depois da morte do pai tem um novo desafio ao iniciar a fabricação de sapatos eróticos, na tentativa de salvar o negócio das dificuldades financeiras.
Food of Love
Bank manager
A group of ex-university students reunite to perform a Shakespeare play in a quaint English village.
Reporter in Car Park
Screen One biopic detailing the final eight years in the life of comedian Tony Hancock, from the peak of his powers as Britain's number one comedian to his eventual mental, alcoholic decline and suicide in Australia.
First and Last
Father in Cottage
The story of a retired man who decides to fulfil his life-long ambition of walking from one end of Britain to the other.
As Aventuras de Erik, o Viking
Erik, o Viking, reúne guerreiros de sua aldeia e parte em uma jornada perigosa para Valhalla, para pedir aos deuses que acabem com a Era de Ragnorok e permitam que seu povo veja a luz do sol novamente. Uma sátira pitonista da vida viking.
R.H.I.N.O.; Really Here in Name Only
An isolated, overweight girl with a penchant for shoplifting, gets pushed from pillar to post as the authorities struggle to know what to do with her.
The Muscle Market
Danny Duggan runs a failing building contractors, and resorts to sub-gangster thuggery to keep the business afloat. However, with the bottom falling out of the building game, Duggan finds that playing at gangster is only fun when you're on the winning side.
Brothers and Sisters
Pete Gibson
Thriller about the murder of a prostitute. Centred round the lives and life styles of two brothers at the time of the murder. As the film progresses and the events of the murder night unfold, it emerges that both brothers - perhaps all men - are suspect.
Uma Ponte Longe Demais
Pvt. Clark
Setembro de 1944, os Aliados confidencialmente mandam para a Normandia um grande grupo de soldados para a operação Market Garden, cuja intenção era dar um fim para a Segunda Guerra Mundial, invadindo a Alemanha e destruindo as indústrias de guerra do 3º Reich. Durante a operação, disparidades políticas no campo de batalha, mó sorte nas condições meteorológicas e falhas na inteligência levam ao desastre da missão. A história do mais trágico erro tático da Segunda Guerra Mundial, que custou a vida de muitos soldados.