Jamie Martin


Rei dos Ladrões
Surveillance Officer
Baseado em fatos reais, o filme traz a história de uma equipe de ladrões aposentados que decidem realizar um grande assalto no distrito de joias de Londres. Em 2015, uma quadrilha realizou um roubo no Hatton Garden Safe Deposit Company, uma instalação subterrânea de depósito seguro na área de Hatton Garden, em Londres. A mídia acreditava que o roubo tinha sido realizado por um grupo de criminosos atuais. Na verdade, os autores reais eram aposentados de 60 e 70 anos, e com diversas doenças. A invasão foi feita através de um poço do elevador, e o valor do roubo foi estimado em torno de 200 milhões de libras.
PC Howard
Harassed single parent Karen lives with her two year old son Henry and gets no help from the child's father. Lack of childcare costs her a job interview and she goes to a park,leaving Henry with Anna,another mother whilst she goes for a drink. In the bar she picks up Martin and goes home with him for - unsatisfactory - sex but on returning to the park she finds Anna has called the police to whom she must give her address. This turns out to be a blessing in disguise when Martin follows her home and proves to be a potentially sympathetic friend.
Consenting Adults
Colin Parker
Fifty years ago, a Home Office committee chaired by Wolfenden, then vice-chancellor of Reading University, recommended the decriminalization of homosexuality. But behind the scenes of what was to become a turning point in British social history, there was an even more extraordinary story. Jack's son Jeremy, then a brilliant undergraduate at Oxford, was himself gay, something his father could not bring himself to acknowledge.